"My little princess" - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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The guys left and Hyunjin is now in the bathroom to brush his teeth.
You are just laying in your bed while wearing Hyunjin's dark grey hoodie since he gave it to you, knowing that it's your favorite color. You scrolled through your phone because you had nothing to do besides that.
You're still mad at him for saying that he doesn't care where he sleeps but you know that he wanted to be in a room with you.
He's just too kind to say that to your brother because he likes him.

After awhile you got bored and wanted to brush your teeth too.
You went to the bathroom and knocked first.
Hyunjin: come in
You opened the door and saw a shirtless Hyunjin In front of you.
Your eyes widened. His hair is wet, he's bare faced and he's only wearing towel wrapped around his waist.
Handsome. He's handsome. Once again, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
But at the same time....Your eyes could help it but slowly wandering to his abs.
You quickly looked at his face again
Y/n: why are you-
Hyunjin: I just showered and it's not the first time that you see me like this, Y/n
Y/n: yeah I know but...you weren't THIS handsome back then
Hyunjin: that's true
Y/n: yeah and that's uhm- you...you worked out a lot in those years-
He laughed a little
Hyunjin: yes I did and now brush your teeth. I'll be right back
He said, smiling as he left the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
You are alone now. You leaned against the sink and took a deep breath.
The first moment you saw him there, fixing his wet hair, shirtless, completely bare faced and with just a towel wrapped around his waist, you could feel butterflies storming in your stomach.
You knew this feeling, since it's not the first time that you felt like this before. But you never felt that when you saw Hyunjin, your best friend.
You just felt that feeling when you were with your ex, but we won't talk about him, he's disgusting. Ew
Back to Hyunjin.
You weren't nervous or anything, just a little
You looked at the mirror and caught yourself getting a pinkish tint on both of your cheeks
You slapped you face in disbelieve
‚No, no, no! This can't happen! It's not the right timing for that!'
You thought. You almost said it out loud but stopped yourself cause Hyunjin might hear anything.
Y/n: it was just because he was handsome earlier, really handsome, too handsome.
Yes, that's its. Nothing more. You won't feel this feeling ever again.
You whispered, you just need to believe yourself and then everything is fine.
And now, you could think probably and started brushing your teeth

After some moments you finished with brushing your teeth and went to your room.
You saw Hyunjin laying on your bed while scrolling trough his phone, luckily he's not half naked now. He's wearing a white hoodie. His black hair is still wet and he's bare faced.
And that's the thing that makes you feel the butterflies in your stomach.
You're feeling them again, hopefully he didn't noticed it.
You laid next to him as he looked at you, his eyes slowly wandering to the hoodie you're wearing.
Hyunjin: that's my hoodie and you already messed it up with toothpaste?
Y/n: I couldn't do anything about it okey? It just was there
He chuckled
Y/n: what do you want to do now? It's just 23:47
Hyunjin: I don't know. I'll let you pick this time
Y/n: i have face masks, a lot of them. Do you want to?
He nodded
You smiled and stood up as you came back after a few seconds with facial masks in your hands
Y/n: can I start with doing your face first?
Hyunjin: of course you can, come here
He said. You sat down in front of him.
Y/n: here, this little hair band thingy
Y/n: "tsk, hairband" that was so funny
Hyunjin: how do you know that I said that once?
He said while putting on his hair band
Y/n: I'm a stay too. I watch these videos, you know?
Hyunjin: you're a stay too? Who's your bias then ?
Y/n: Felix, of course
Hyunjin: *dramatic gasp* you betrayed your best friend. Now I'm disappointed
Y/n: I was just joking. I don't have a bias, I love all of you equally
Hyunjin: I hope so, princess
He said playfully again.
Your stomach really hates you.
He just said princess and you're questioning your feelings
Y/n: why do you call me princess? Why? Just why ?
Hyunjin: that's my new nickname for you. It suits you very well
Y/n: idiot suits me too! Why do you call me princess? Can't you just call me idiot again?
Hyunjin: why would I ? You're my little princess. It suits you more that anything.
He said and patted my head
You didn't know what just happened with your heart but it was like you just fell in your dream.
Do ya'll know that feeling ? You wake up and your heart races like crazy? That's what happened to you right now
Y/n: y-your little princess?
Hyunjin: yes, you're my little princess. I won't stop calling you that.
You really don't why you are like this.
You don't know what happens to your heart every time he says that.
You hate it.
Hyunjin: why are you confused? I see it on your face
Y/n: no, no it's nothing.
You said as you applied the mask on his face, with a brush of course.

Y/n: your skin is so smooth, why is it so soft?
Hyunjin: I was born with it
Y/n: I Know that makes it even worse
He smiled while closing his eyes
You tried to apply the face mask but you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
You don't know why, you just couldn't help but admire him at anything he did.
It's not the first time that this happens. You like and admire him since the two of you met, which means that you admire him since the two of you were 15.
He opened his eyes and looked at you in confusion
Y/n: oh sorry I forgot to apply the mask
Hyunjin: how- never mind
You laughed a little
He laughed too
Y/n: what do you want to do after that?
Hyunjin: I don't care. It's enough for me that I'm with you, princess
He said playfully again.
You sighed
Why can't he just call you idiot? Then you wouldn't react this way
Y/n: for me too, but I want to do something with you. Let's listen to music and talk while you apply the mask on my face
Hyunjin: okey, my little princess. I love calling you that, I don't know why
Y/n: I Know, I see it. Uhm my phone is on the table and I don't want to stand up, so you need to play your playlist.
He nodded and did what you said.
The first song that he played was "your dog loves you" by colde and crush

Y/n: I love that song!
Hyunjin: I know, me too
He lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger as he applied the mask on my face while smiling.
Yeah, no. You need to talk with Chan today, you can't take this anymore.
Or should you go to Felix instead? You just need someone to talk about this feeling. Felix is a really supportive person and a sunshine but Chan too.
You don't know who to talk to
Y/n: You even look handsome when you have a face mask on
Hyunjin: thank you, princess
You really need to get used to him calling you 'princess', 'little princess'or even worse then these two 'my little princess'.
Your heart can't take that.
Y/n: I'm just saying the truth
He chuckled

𝟏𝟑𝟓𝟔 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞// Hwang HyunjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora