012, "Endless bickering."

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- Eunchae's POV -

"Uhm.. Unnie.." I gulped.

"Why is this weird female sitting on our couch? And where did the hamsemester go..?" I pouted realizing that cheesecake was gone. "What? What's wrong?" Garam asked confused. "Who is THAT?" I hid behind the wall pointing at the girl sitting on our couch. "What the fuck!?" She whisper yells.

"Hold on, I'll take care of this." I assured her before approaching the girl. "Hello, miss! What exactly are you doing on our property? Do you know that this is actually illegal therefore I can actually report you?" I frowned at her, hands on my hips. "YA! YOU'RE THE BASTARD WHO TRIED TO EAT ME!" She exclaims pointing at me.

"Huh? What do you mean weird furry girl..? I don't eat humans! Maybe animals.. And cardboard.. But not humans! Anyways, have you seen that tiny little hamsemester? I can't find him.." I scratched the back of my head. "Maybe because the 'hamsemester' is right in front of you! And I'm not a male! I'm a female!" She furiously said, standing up and grasping my collar.

"Cheesecake!? Is that you!?" I gaped shocked. Can hamsemesters turn into humans!? I never knew that! "Oh you've got a cute little tail too!" I giggled, "DON'T." She hisses at me. "See! I told you that something was weird about this hamsemester Garam!"

"You're going to pay for trying to eat me you.. You..! You blood drinking freak!" Her grip tightens on my collar. I just sighed, "Hey, let's not. At least I don't flash my butt hole to others! You weird furry girl!"

She gasps loudly and hysterically, "I do not flash my..- At least I don't scare the living crap out of people and threaten them!"

"Worry about your own fluffy tail!" I crossed my arms. "This is giving me a headache.." Garam muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What's your real name anyway? Fluffy tail?" I scoffed, laughing slightly. "Why do you care ms. Blood drinker with a brain of a 4 year old!?" She asked.

"That was so mean! But seriously though what's your nameeee?" I whined. "It's Jang Wonyoung keep that in mind! Or is that too much for your tiny little brain?" Wonyoung let's go of my collar.

"My brain isn't even tiny and little because I literally don't even have a brain dumb butt!" I stuck my tongue out at her. "Or do I..? But that doesn't matter anyway! You shouldn't be talking with your tiny little hamsemester brain!"

"Unnie kick this weird furry girl out! She's being mean to me! I didn't even do anything!!!" I pulled on her arm, desperately. "Shut up! You tried to eat me! You put me inside of your disgusting, wet, filthy, and dirty mouth! It was so gross!!" She lets out a gagging sound.

"Hey! It's not THAT bad! Plus you're lucky that I didn't even eat you!" I grinned. "You're seriously going to pay for this Hong Eunchae!" Wonyoung says still furious. "I can't pay, I don't have any money." I shrugged.

"Okay, so both of you. Please shut the.. Please be quiet. I have a human hamster..? And a vampire? Don't you guys feel bad for me? I might just kick both of you out now." Garam frowns, glaring at the two of us.

"You're kicking me out!? What about her over there!?" Wonyoung pointed behind Garam.. Not another one.. "GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA!WHO IS THAT!?" Wow now we have two girls, great! I wanted Garam unnie for myself.. Well I won't share her with anyone else anyway.

"How did I end up here!?"

"Ask yourself that miss..?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm an iPhone why the hell- Oh the name's Hanni.. Hanni Pham."

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