history part two

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when hearing people discuss the history and years of  'conflict' between israel and palestine, a 'two-state solution' is mentioned.

what is a two-state solution?
the two-state solution advocates for both israel and palestine to exist alongside one another as sovereign states. however, this solution is not really a solution at all because it is merely another form of zionism, and israel has never shown any interest in allowing a palestinian state to exist. palestinians lose more and more land every day, and israel has repeatedly shown that it has no plans to stop building illegal settlements in the west bank. even if a two-state solution were to become a reality, palestinians would still be at a major disadvantage and in constant threat.

what is a one-state solution?
the one-state solution either a palestinian state, or a complete israeli state, advocates for one state in which both arabs and jews can live together. however, a one-state solution under the israeli government would essentially mean that the palestinian people would completely be under the state of israel in every way imaginable.
"one palestinian state would mean palestinian liberation, and the complete abolishment of the state of israel. this way is the only way towards justice; both arabs and jews can live together without an ideology that specifically advocates for the ethnic cleansing of one of them. palestinians would be allowed to return home, and millions of palestinians would not have to live under occupation and apartheid."

in the last part, i explained zionism and antisemitism. so is "israel v. palestine" a religious conflict?
     —   while religion certainly plays a role, it is more about ideology. people who reduce palestine vs israel to a religious conflict are misinformed at best and intentionally distorting facts to suit their own agenda at worst. this includes propoganda they see, especially today after october 7th. many people, in the west especially, think of this as a 'muslim vs jewish' religious conflict between two people, but that is simply untrue.
  for one, not all palestinians are muslims many are also christians, druze, samaritans, as well as agnostic and atheists. palestinian jews also exist. not all jewish people are religious either, and many jews are also atheists. rather than a religious conflict, it's one of imperialism and settler-colonialism. framing it as a religious conflict between muslims and jews can also lead to islamophobia or antisemitism.

++ the ethnic cleansing of palestinians had been planned for years. throughout the 1930S, zionists began an undercover survey of arab villages; this included aerial photographs, a detailed registry, and precise layouts of palestinian villages.
- zionists also compiled an archive that included in incredibly precise detail: locations of villages, their religious affiliations, names of men living there, villages' relationships with one another, and a list of anyone who had retaliated against zionists or jews at any point.

although palestinians were being uprooted from their homes for years at this point, the ethnic cleansing itself began largely in december 1947, when palestinian villages and neighbourhoods began to be attacked.

in february 1948, five palestinian villages were emptied by the haganah, the zionist paramilitary force, in one single day. in march and april, more than 250,000 palestinians were exiled from their homes.

— on the 10th of march in 1948, plan dalet was adopted by the haganah; this was a detailed plan to ethnically cleanse palestine of its native population.
tactics and methods included: laying siege, bombing villages, setting fire to homes and properties, expulsion, and planting mines in the rubble of destroyed homes so that palestinians could not return. rape was another tactic that they used; many palestinians fled their villages in fear of the women in their families being raped by zionist soldiers.
as part of plan dalet, each unit of the haganah was given a list with names of villages that they had to ethnically cleanse.

   many other historical events worth mentioning include;
• nakba of 1948
• 'six-day-war'
• the first intifada
• oslo accords
• the second intifada
• balfour declaration
please research these

explaining the true history of palestine is hard. and not one resource will be the same on this topic. if you want to explore and learn more, it is on you and your morality to do so.
   as this book continues, i will help with resources to learn about the past, and updates on the now present for palestinians.

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