CHP - 23 The Past

Start from the beginning


The bond between the friends where destroyed due to the influence of elders.

The trio always roams around in their motorbikes. Min jae has a craze for motorbikes and always travels in them. But she hated it after the accident.

It was during the summer break. The trio had signed under Lee company to become an idol. The trio always wanted to perform together on stage. They were working for the same.

But their dream was not supported by their parents. They hated it. They just want their children to inherit their own company. Everyone's parent's company is one of the big companies in south korea.

Min jae's father manages park limited. Seo jo's grandfather managed seo press. Hyung sik's father manages jin entertainment.

It was the anger of hyung sik's father as they joined another instead of his. But the trio just wanna start to from basics and doesn't need their parent's support to reach the top.

The trio was moving in the bike after their night practice. They were racing against each other. Suddenly, a bike raced in opposite direction to min jae and min jae fell from her bike. Seo jo also collapsed from his bike near her.

Hyung sik was on his bike. He didn't fall down. He saw a car racing toward min jae. Hyung sik speeded his bike towards the car and crashed into it.

He got a severe head injury and fractured his left leg. Min jae had a fracture in her right hand. Seo jo with minor injuries.

They were rushed to hospital. Hyung sik underwent an operation and after two days he woke up.

Hyung sik got information that this accident was due to his father's doing and left the hospital because his father asked him to leave to avoid further damage to his friends. with just a text to his friends that 'I'm sorry. Give me some time.' He left the country.

Min jae and seo jo were in shock and confused upon seeing his behavior. But hyung sik cut off all their contacts and went into hiding. Hyung sik was beyond embarrassed to see their faces.

Then, slowly the information about hyung sik father came to light. Min jae went to a foreign to avoid the further problem with the situation and seo jo followed her.

Min jae always had problems with her father. Sometimes her father would throw kinds of stuff or beat her for no reason. After hyung sik left, it started to increase and she started to blame her for his disappearance.

She avoided her father due to her practices at the studio. But after his disappearance, they stopped everything.

When seo jo learned about her suicidal intentions, he rushed her out of the house and accompanied her to a foreign.

Even though they left their countries. Their cell phones of them were tracked by their fathers. So, they didn't meet after going foreign country. They did all the work given by their fathers.

They left the country for healing as well as to learn the business. They all studied business this year and returned.

They got their permission to do whatever they want after returning. That's why they got back together.

It's like a complicated parent-children relationship that they can't avoid. Now, they are free to get whatever they want unless they promise to continue their parent's business.

They started doing what their parents want. Now they will slowly achieve what they wish.

The black trio is back. Their only aim is to perform on stage together. They will surely start to work on that together. Even their's parents have changed after the incident.

Now only their friendship will grow bigger.



Hello all,
That's their past story. I tried to show the important reason for their breakage. I hope you enjoyed it.

Support the black trio.

Yep, I changed the group name🤭

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