CHP 18 - Return of Lee Seo Jo

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"Good morning sis. Wake up, it's time to go to school."

Min Jae stirred in her bed.

"I'm bunking."

Min hyuk laughed and pulled her to sit.

"Not today girl. Father is coming to school."

Min jae shot open her eyes.

"What? Why?"

"He got the call from the school."

"I didn't kick anyone. I remember that. Then why is he coming? He usually sends secretary Do right."

Min hyuk laughed.

"Sure, you didn't kick anyone. He is coming for parent's teacher's meeting."

"Oh, he usually doesn't attend those kinds of meetings. What happened to him?"

"Don't know. It's not time for research. Run fast or else you will miss the bus in 5 mins."

Min jae saw the time and rushed to the bathroom. She came out very soon and tied her hair into a bun. She put on a hoodie and left her room.

She took the bread made by her brother to her mouth and run fastly out of the house.


"Bye jae."

Min jae reached the bus stop within 3 minutes. She usually takes 10 minutes of slow walking.  But she rushed there very fast. She thought, she missed the bus.

She took out her phone and saw the timing as 7.25. Her bus usually comes by 7.45 and reaches school by 8.15.

She dialled his number. He took in the first ring.

"Idiot, it's not time to prank me. You know how I rushed to stop. I will kill you in the evening."

Min hyuk laughed.

"Enjoy the day sis."

With that min hyuk ended his call.

"How dare he.....?"

Min jae plugged her ear and waited for the bus. When the bus came, she got on and reached school by 8.15.

There was a huge crowd at the gate.
Min jae gave a questioning look, but she went towards her class.

Her class was empty with only boys. She didn't care and went to lie down. The bell rang indicating the class started. But no one didn't come to class yet. So, min jae continued her sleep.

"All of you get in." Mr Han shouted.

Soon the classroom was filled. Soha woke min jae up. Min jae looked up with sleepy eyes and removed her earphones.

"Pleasant good morning to our shiny stars. I can see all are beaming with energy. Now, I gonna distribute the papers."

Mr Han called one by one. Sujin went to get her mark sheet. She was shocked to see her results. She crushed her sheet and kept it inside.

"Min jae."


Min jae went and got her sheet. She took a glace of it and kept the sheet inside her bag like nothing but a piece of paper.

Mr Han disturbed everyone's paper.

"Okay. First, let's give min jae a round of applause for scoring first."

All were astonished and turned towards her and clapped. Min jae just saw them as if nothing happened.

"A flower which needs to bloom will get hit by wind. I'm happy that all these flowers endured it. This week I'm gonna meet all your parents."

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