CHP 19 - Proposal

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Min jae even thought of taking a day off to avoid seo jo. But her brother somehow rushed her to school. Min jae took her usual bus to school. She spotted seo jun on the bus. He was busy staring out of the window. Min jae decided to the seat beside him.

While min jae was turning to sit, the driver put a sudden break. Min jae went and sat on seo jun's lap.

"Ahh..." min jae shouted.

"Yah....oh...jae," seojun said.

Min jae forced a smile and turned towards him.

"Hello." She faked laughing.

"Hi, There is a seat beside. If you wanna sit like this means we can." Seojun replied with a smirk.

Min jae immediately took the seat beside him and took her earphones out and started hearing songs. Seojun just laughed at her behaviour and stared outside.

Min jae took off her earphones and asked.

"Are you okay?"

"What?" Seo jun turned towards her side.

"Well...yesterday, I dashed into you. You didn't look well and we decided to speak later."

"Oh..yes...I'm okay." He replied with a smile.

"Hmm...I'm here if you need me. I will give you the best company you always give me."


There came a silence between them.

"Thank you, seo juna."


"I said thank you."

"Why? Very random."

"Just wanted to thank you for something."

"If you quote that something, It will be helpful."

"Well, I don't know. If you remember or recognize me, I'm the one who cried beside your bike on that night near the hospital."

"I know."

"What You know?" Min jae asked in shock.

"I recognized you dummy."

"Ah, well....thank you."

"Enough of thank you. Why were you crying?"

"Min-hyuk got an accident on that night only."

Seojun held her hand. Min jae looked towards him.

"Now, I understand all those events. Don't worry I'm beside you and Enough of thank you."

Min jae just smiled and seojun turned to stare outside while still holding her hand. Min jae plugged her earphone into his ear. He didn't complain and heard the song for the rest of the ride.

The school came. They both got off the bus. They were walking toward the classroom.

"I will tell you all the stories after some time. Just wait a little bit. See you in class. My gang is waiting."

Seojun waved and went to his gang. Min jae smiled and said to herself.

"Good to know...even I have many stories to tell."

Min jae went inside just before the class starts. She avoided seo jo at all cost. Min jae and jukyung were walking towards their canteen.

"I guess you need to tell me about something, jukyung."

"Well...about min jae."

"Yah, don't play. I will surely beat you."

"Sure, sure. In the evening and you are coming with me to meet gowoon."

"Seojun's sister. Okay."

Seojun came in between them.

"What about seojun's sister?"

Now, they were inside the canteen. Min jae came to respond to him. But stopped halfway on seeing the scene in front of them. Seo jo was gonna kneel with a flower bouquet. Min jae immediately acted on her reflex and rushed with jukyung outside the canteen.

"Yah, min jae."

"Ah shit, jo." Min jae stamped her feet in annoyance.

"Min jae, why?"

"See inside."

Inside the canteen, seo jo was kneeling towards seo jun with the bouquet. Seo jun was annoyed and seo jo was stammering. His plan didn't go in his way.

"I.....I....I...." seo jo stammered.

"What?" Seo jun was beyond annoyed and he was ready for someone.

"I wanna be friends with you. Please accept my bouquet and allow me to be your friend." Seo jo immediately came up with something and stood up.

The whole scene was beyond embarrassment for everyone. Seojun was awestruck and didn't know how to respond. Min jae couldn't control her laughter and laugh out silently. Seo jo stood up, "can I be your friend? juna."

Juna was a nickname for him from min jae. Hearing the nickname from seo Jo's mouth nauseated him. Everyone started to shout, "ACCEPT IT."

Seo jun responded immediately not hearing the name from his mouth again.

"Okay, but don't call me juna."

Seo jun took the bouquet and left the canteen. Everyone started to cheer up. Min jae and jukyung left for class before seo jun ran out. Seo jo was already beyond embarrassment. He ran towards the bathroom.

Seojun threw the bouquet at min Jae's desk.

"What juna? Did you accept?" Min jae was laughing. Seojun just glared at her and started to sleep at his desk.

School ended min jae and jukyung went to meet go woon. They ordered a milkshake and drank it up.

"Thanks, gowoon. The calories are cheering me up." Jukyung said.

"I wanted to buy you something nice."

"This is nice. This is enough, I didn't do much."

"I was just washing the foul mouth of yours." Gowoon stamped on the bench. Min jae saw in shock.

"Don't you remember? Thank you so much." Go woon turned to speak in a smooth voice.

"Okay, jukyung said those words." Gowoon nodded. "Your cool, jukyung."

"Thank you, you look cheerful gowoon. Didn't they bully you after that?"

"They said many things behind my back. They said I got the nerve to paint my face and sing and returned the next day without makeup."

Min jae listened carefully.

"Are you okay with them speaking these words?"

"If I hate my face by their words, then I'm a loser."

"You're cool," Jukyung said.

"You're brave. Just kick their asses. I will teach you."

"Thank you, unnie." Go woon laughed.

"Didn't you say these to juna?"

"You mean, seojun." Min jae nodded.
"Hell no."

"Why? He is caring. He will take care of the problem."

"Do tell a pinch of the problem to oppa? If he knows, he will get involved and then everyone will know he is my oppa."


"During my middle school, I was made to deliver many letters and gifts to him. I can't go through that again."

"Ah ah, hell yes. He got many fangirls and fanboy." Min jae referred to seo jo and laughed.

"Okay. If anything happens, inform me. I will kick their asses."

"Thanks, unnie. I will."

"Jukyung unnie, do you mind teaching me makeup?"


"Yes, unnie."


Then, the trio headed to gowoon's home.

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