I won't leave you (I Promise)

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||Hailey POV|| ||The Next Day at School||

I walked into school. I expected it to go silent and for people to be staring, but it was quite the opposite. Everyone was for some reason staring at..drew..? Hm, that's weird. I don't really care though. As I scan the halls to find Jake, I finally saw him. I ran up to him from behind.

"Hey Jake!" I say while waving.

"H-Hailey?!" He says in shock.

"Yes jake! I'm so sorry!" I hug him.

"Huh?- what's this for??" Jake says.

"I didn't know what you were going through! I shouldn't be forgiven...but I still need you, Jake!"

Jake froze. I didn't know if he hated me now.

"Hailey...you shouldn't be apologizing. I should. I'm sorry!" He says.

I hug him even tighter.

"Oh by the way, I found this in the club room..is it yours?" I pull out the blue notebook as his eyes went wide.

"Y-YES!" He rushed to say.

"Ahem, I mean, yes it is Hailey. Did you...did you read it?" He asks. I don't want to lie to him.

"Yes..I'm sorry..b-but they did look good! You're a great songwriter!" I compliment him. I see a blush come into his face. I think I'm making him nervous-

"T-Thanks Hailey!" He says.

"Will you join the club again, Jake? We can sing together for the competition and go win it!" I say.

It took a second for him to reply before he said "will the others accept it..?"

"I'm not sure, honestly, Jake. But I'm sure they can come to accept you again!"

"Then..of course! I want to sing with all of you guys!" He says.

"Ok. The club meetings are about to start so we should head over there now" I say.

He nods in response, and we hold hands. I think it's a bit too much, but I don't want to ruin this moment. The walk to the music club room and everyone was in there already.

"You ready?" I ask Jake.

"Mhm.." he replies, but he took a second.

We walk in, and the club members stared at us.

"You! I told you to stay away from Hailey!" Zander shouted.

Milly grabbed my hands and pulled me behind Zander.

"H-hey!" I shout.

"Z-Zander! Let me explain, please!" Jake asked but got cut off.

"No! Stay away from Hailey! Jeez is it that hard?!"

||Jake POV||

This reminds me of that one time. One time in middle school. I was walking around the halls and all of a sudden got pushed into a locker. They kept calling me stuff like moron, idiot..Freak.. i was zoned out from the situation that was going on until I said something.

"..I'm..sorry" I manage to get out.

"I won't bother you again...IM SORRY"

"Please Jake! Come back! Please!!" Hailey kept trying to convince me. I walked over to her. I put my hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Hails. I gotta go now..but hey! Maybe we'll become friends, or even lovers, in another life.." I say. She starts crying even more.

||Hailey POV||

I was crying so much that everything was blurry. Jake turned around and left as i put my head down. This situation reminded me of..something... something I'd like to forget and that I will.

The Two Songbirds || The Music Freaks Jailey FanficWhere stories live. Discover now