Chapter 10

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This chapter may be a little short to make of for the 3000 something words last chapter.


My head was throbbing as I opened my eyes. The sunlight from the windows blinded me slightly. For a moment I thought maybe I was blind but after blinking a few times my eyes finally adjusted.

I was definitely in the hospital wing. I had ended up In these beds many times my first year here and the beds still weren't comfortable.

I sat up slowly so that I wouldn't hurt myself further.

"You're awake." A soft whisper in the bed next to me.

I glanced to my left and saw poppy also sitting up smiling. Her left shoulder and arm was completely bandaged up.

"How's your arm?"

"I barely even feel it the past couple days because of the charm the nurse has been using."


"Yeah. It's been almost three days. I accidentally gave you a concussion when I pushed you out of the way. I'm sorry."

"It's alright it just means we are even, my boggart did almost roast you alive."

She smiled. "Half way there. The Nurse said that due to the spell she's been using I should be ready for the next tournament. You too even."

I blinked at her a bit confused. "We weren't disqualified from getting hurt?"

Poppy was trying not to get herself too excited. "We won! We won by two minutes Professor Weasley said."

I got too excited and jumped a bit instantly making my head throb. "Ow."

"Sorry. Everyone said I should wait to tell you since you get competitive."

"It's okay." I glanced around at the empty room half expecting Sebastian to be there.

"Ominis made him go get some food." Poppy correctly guessed.

"I wasn't.." I stopped mid-sentence knowing it was a useless battle. Poppy is really good at being a best friend. She knew how I felt about him.

"Garreth and Natty came to visit yesterday. It was the only way Sebastian would go back to his common room to rest a little. He was afraid you'd wake up alone if I had fallen back asleep." She adjusted her self so that her feet hung off the bed and she was fully sitting up.

"Natty told me that Sebastian had carried you all the way to the hospital wing like a princess." I rolled my eyes at her story. "Even said that Sebastian kept calling you 'my love.'" she emphasised the last two words in a sing-song kind of way.

She started to laugh as she watched my face turn red. "He wouldn't do that." I tried to assure her.

He wouldn't.


Poppy slowly started to stand. I tried to reach forward to help her but she waved me off. "I'm just going to let the Nurse know you are awake. She might want to check you."

As she waddled off I propped up my pillows so I could lean back on them. My eyes still feeling tired started to shut again making me doze off slightly.

"Ava." Sebastian's voice made my eyes snap open.

The sunlight was no longer glaring through the windows so I officially didn't know how long I had been asleep.

I looked at Sebastian on my right as he pulled up a chair with one hand and held a plate with different foods in his other.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now