We Meet Again.

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Drifter was out for a flight while you were unpacking everything on the beach, you moved towards a grassy area in the beach rather than where you were earlier incase they had came back for some reason.

You held a bow and arrow happily, you had quickly decided to do some target practice incase you'd need to battle Grimmel soon.

And so you didn't get too rusty.

You pulled back an arrow before squinting, as soon as you let go you immediately heard some sort of shriek.

You noticed a large storm cloud coming and then you hard a large rumble, something had happened in the sky.

The storm was supposed to brush over the island but lightning seemed to have appeared in the sky and a lot of it.

The distinctive Night Fury roar could be heard so you cocked your head, a black dragon was falling right into the sea.

You began to run towards a more rough side of the beach, the ground was rocks instead of sand but you didn't care too much.

You noticed a large wave coming straight for you and that's when a Night Fury washed up on shore, it immediately woke up and roared as if nothing had happened.

Drifter landed beside you quickly before nudging the smaller dragon, you immediately remembered its name.

Way back you heard a few traders speaking about it, "Toothless".

You looked around before lifting your visor and then taking your helmet off.

"Hello, Toothless! We haven't had much of a proper introduction to each other since your rider is around." You stated

Toothless's gaze fell on your before he immediately kicked away some sand so he could get up faster than usual.

"Oh! Look at your tail, extraordinary." You said

You curled the tail in and Toothless flicked it so it was out, Drifter nodded before sitting down beside you and nudging your side.

"Ah, I'm Y/n. Your rider and I... we share the same blood, we're siblings. Although I ran away from Berk long ago with Drifter here. You're quite the specimen! Although I have not seen you go invisible I assume the lightning up there was you due to the smoke that followed you down onto the ocean." You informed

Toothless roared happily before spreading his wings and lowering his head to greet you the same way Drifter had taught him.

"Both of you would technically be brothers... oh! You seemed to have found out the use of dual spines." You stated

Drifter flicked his open and closed before roaring at Toothless, Toothless quickly did the same before heading  up and over to a large branch.

"Curiosity? You're quite different from Drifter. Although I've never met another Night Fury, the both of you are quite special. The last of your kind... perhaps?" You said

Drifter roared at you in offence.

"Oh! Let me show you something." You said

Toothless roared in confusion before you hopped onto Drifter, you smiled before waving him over as Drifter took off.

Drifter shrieked and when you looked off to the right you saw that the lights were off in New Berk, where did everyone go?

Drifter climbed higher into the air before reaching the top of a mountain, Toothless flew alongside him.

You knew of a place on this side of the island, it was beautiful and serene.

Toothless opened his dual spikes and began to make tight turns with Drifter before he landed in a small clearing.

Drifter roared and many small fireworms came out to light up the sky and the ground although didn't burn anything, it was all made up of rock.

"I had came here long ago in search of a place to help Drifter fly better, I noticed your flying is a little off balance so this is the perfect place." You smiled

Toothless and Drifter roared in unison before Toothless opened and closed his tail that would allow him to fly easily.

Toothless sat down to look at Drifter who had his tail near his paws, he extended his tail fan and kept it straight although Toothless waved his tail around.

"Ah, I see how Hiccup does it. His feet must go into a saddle and then extend it when his foot locks in. That's how you fly, you must not be used to it." You stated

Toothless roared and nodded before Drifter lowered himself to sniff the prosthetic tail, he backed up quickly when a different smell could be heard.

Some sort of black substance was on the tail which made it black. Weird.

The night fury roared before keeping his tail straight although you could tell that he was discomforted by it.

"That will give you balance in the air, so that you don't fall whilst flying alone." You said

Drifter bucked you onto his back before taking off and Toothless followed, the sun seemed to be rising already and some morning fog was clearing.

You stood up slowly to get a better look at Toothless's tail, he seemed to wave it around a little and his wing beats had bad timing but he seemed to be doing fine.

A few Deadly Nadder's came up to fly alongside the three of you, they roared at Drifter and Toothless before lowering their heads.

"You seem to be quite popular with the dragons!" You grinned

Toothless roared happily before turning right to a different island, a rocky one that seemed to be housing a few dragons.

Drifter turned to follow the younger dragon and you secured yourself on drifters back once again before he began to dive straight into the trees after Toothless.

Toothless seemed to be laying down in the tall grass so Drifter tumbled away after wrapping his wings around you.

"For a Night Fury you aren't all that graceful when it comes to landing." You joked

Toothless laughed as Drifter fired a plasma blast near your foot, he missed on purpose that time.

"Oh, don't be like that!" You smiled

Toothless began to roll in the grass, Drifter stared at him in confusion before you picked up the grass. Dragon nip.

You picked some up forcefully and held it to Drifters mouth, he immediately rubbed up against it happily before laying down.

"I... did not expect that reaction." You admitted

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