Chapter-32 :):

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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

>>Previous Chapter

"Guys, I guess I know where you came from, "Perth said making everyone confused

Chimon: "Come on don't take a break say it fast "

"I've seen these all names in Ohm's novel which he was writing when this accident happened...." Perth said making the room silent chimon rolled his eyes at the dramatic atmosphere

"Don't you dare to stop here"Chimon said making Perth talk again

"So, you guys are from the novel and you guys are one of his characters which he wrote but I never heard about Pran being there... We should look through the book to find the answers," Perth said making them nod

"You both should take some rest," Chimon said Pat and Pran nodded

"We'll take our leave and I will bring Ohm's novel, "Perth said and both chimon and Perth went from there



Pran looked at Ohm and realized what he said.

"Oh, I forgot you are the author of this novel," Pran said, trying to control his laughter but still ending up laughing, making Ohm smile. He shook his head.

"I'm having these doubts; just don't freak out," Ohm said, making Pran stop his laugh.

"The book you wrote already gave me so many adventures, so I don't think the one you're going to say is going to shock me," Pran said with a shrug.

"What if you're also not from this world?"

"Oh, I knew--- WHAT?"Pran shouted after realizing what Ohm said.


They are going back in the van to their home after their camping

"Nanon, what're you thinking?"Ohm asked in a teasing way he very well knew what was going on in Nanon's mind

Nanon glared at him

"Can you believe what you just said? You said I'm from your world and I have no idea of what's happening around me? All this while I thought I was Pran only to know that I'm Nanon also got stuck in your dumb book"Nanon whispered while Ohm controlled his laugh

"Calm down Nan we are in this together, " Ohm said while holding Nanon's hands

"That's the only reason I'm being calm here," Nanon said while lying his head on ohms shoulder

"I can see that, "Ohm said with a chuckle while putting his arms around Nanon

"Then the real Pran's soul is in my body, Nanon's body, "Nanon said while Ohm nodded his head

Ohm: "It seems like that. "

Nanon: "I'm having a doubt how can you write a dumb book like this"

Ohm: "I'm offended"

Nanon: "No, I'm asking for real Why did you write the book in this way??"

"I don't remember correctly wait let me think huh I was half drunk
and I thought it would be good to add more drama, I like to spice up my novel a bit and I did"Ohm said while remembering the day he wrote this book

>>Flash back end

"I want to kill him, now!"Ohm shouted while Perth looked at him with a done face

Perth: "A big mafia leader couldn't handle the alcohol"

Ohm: "Perth my buddy I'm angry because of that old shit he dares to hurt my people"

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