Chapter-8 :):

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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

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Suddenly he heard footsteps outside he started to panick
he looked around then he found closet

"Pat I'll hide inside your closet"said to pat who was half consciousness.
Pran run towards the closet and went inside the closet hide himself inside the cupboard
He heard door opening sound He quietly peeked from the cupboard to see who could be in this time.
And he saw the person

Pran :"Huh? P'Porsche!"


Pran :"Omg what's P'Porsche doing here? Is he gonna kill him? No! Idiot pran why would he hate pat that much....OK let's find out. Woah nice smell"

Pran looked at Porsche who was standing there with food

Pat :"Why I'm feeling dizzy, is this body have diabetes or something else"

Pran then looked at pat who was talking to himself

"Argh....who's is this...."Pat asked as he smell something

"Is that spaghetti kee maw......smell so nice"

In seconds the dish was in front of him, like someone trying to feed him

Pat quickly ate it "so delicious, I never eat this much tasty spaghetti kee maw before, it's feels heavenly delicious"

Pran smiled at the cute duo
"P'Porsche cares about pat then why he's ignoring him"

"Granny, it's you right, I know it must be you, because this house hate me, even wall not dangerous here"

Again spoonful of spaghetti served infront of his lips, pat ate with a smile

"Granny why aren't you speaking anything......let me ask you, do you want to come with me after some months, I clearly don't know how many months it will you want to come with me, we will live happily just you and Me, there will be no say, i don't have any soft spot left for anyone, i give up on them when they believed a random girl care leaving their brother die in coma, even their first word was why i pushed that bitch in pool....isn't it already logical enough if i pushed her why i was the one in come for a week....damn those brainless creatures"

Porsche stoped feeding he frowned on his sentence

"They are really brainless"pran said to himself,shaking his head in disbelief

Soon he finished feeding

"I'm full.....granny"

Porsche gave a glass of water to pat which he gulped down

Pat :"Thank you so much Granny....I didn't eat from morning today still I can't see anything clearly because of this damn fever all thanks to that bitch and my so called family"

Pat received silence form other side

Pat :"Now you don't wanna talk with's ok you can go and lock the room from outside or that brainless brother will shout on you If he see I ate

Pat try to lie down but he got surprised his Granny put his head on her lap

"It's okay Granny, you don't need to"

Porsche ignored his words and started to pat his head like a mother always do when she first shout on her child then show love and care

Somehow pat loved this feeling, he love the feeling being pampered....he closed his eyes and smiled

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