Chapter-26 :):

441 35 7

Ignore my grammatical mistakes

>>Previous chapter

Pat: "You won't understand"

"You are right I can't understand your feeling because I'm, not you...ask yourself Pa- I mean ohm I don't know who you are or where you came from? Tbh, I don't care about that. everything happens for good and maybe your soul is here because of some reason
Everything has some reasons ohm you should try and live through it...oh being with Pran made me a psychologist"Best said and laughed Pat smiled slightly at that

"Don't think about the future live in your present
One day, when you are in the future and try to look back at your past, you will surely regret everything including the broken memories you left in the past. I can only say. It's in your hand now...hope you'll realize it soon" Best said and went from there leaving Ohm in his thoughts



"RUNNNN!!!" A voice came from behind.

"FIRE!!!!" Another voice came.

I turned around and saw someone running towards me.

"NON...Let's go from here" he yelled while trying to drag me from there

Non? Why he is calling me like that suddenly I heard a screaming sound from the abandoned mansion which caught on fire

"No..." I mumbled unable to make sense.

"I heard someone's scream...I need to help them" With I run towards the abandoned mansion

"NANON STOP!" The guy who was trying to stop me screamed in my way

Why am I here? why he is calling me Nanon?

Many questions are going through my head but I couldn't stop myself from running this feels like someone is controlling me

My legs automatically went near the glass door then I saw the guy who was lying on the floor like he gave up on his life

"Ohm" I mumbled unable to form any words

"It's Ohm! OHM"I started to knock on the glass door shouting Ohm's name
He looked at the door and saw me trying to come in

I try to wake up from this nightmare but I couldn't
What's happening

Ohm slowly stood up and went near the glass door fire was spreading throughout the abandoned mansion

The guy name Non was looking just like me trying to break the glass with his hands

He was about to break the glass door out of nowhere some guys came and started to drag him away from the door Ohm looked at everything crying

"NO STOP"Ohm shouted after seeing the guy beating Non

"Stop Stop"

Suddenly the scene changed I standing in front of Ohm
We both are surrounded by the fire flames

I try to reach him but a Crystal Chandelier Light fell in between us

𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐎𝐇𝐌𝐍𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐅 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum