chapter four : rushed coffee runs and unpurchased flowers

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"sorry about that wait, boys!" the lady, who the boys had both silently concluded to be the owner, came back out from the kitchen. "the juicer we have just was not working! i had to juice the oranges by hand, haha!" the owner laughed cheerfully with the type of joy only a wise person could have.

"i'm so sorry about that, if i knew it would cause a hassle i would've just ordered a water.." felix felt terrible for inconveniencing the older woman.

"ohh! don't even worry about it dear!" the lady patted him sweetly on the back. "now what can i get the lovely two of you to eat?" frankly, the boys had been so caught up in conversation that they hadn't even looked at the menu, although the selection was small, anyways.

"i'll have one serving of the kimchi kimbap and another of the fishcake one," hyunjin smiled to the lady before looking over to felix, who seemed to be struggling to pick.

"uhh.. mm.. i think i'll- ah.." felix stammered over his words, never getting a finished sentence out.

"he'll have the gungjung tteokbokki," hyunjin ordered for him. felix looked up with a shocked look before it melted into an expression of gratitude.

"thanks, hyun~" he whispered as the owner collected their menus. hyunjin just smiled back and nodded. hyunjin knew felix well enough to know what he would like. the gesture was sweet to felix, who struggled sometimes with deciding what he wanted, especially under the pressure of others waiting on him.

"alrighty dears, i'll have that out as soon as possible for you!" the lady beamed her warm smile once again and walked into the kitchen, yelling "order!" to her kitchen staff (another older man, likely her husband).

the two boys sat and chatted about nothing. the weather, how it was starting to warm up again, revisiting the topic of the rose painting, work, and before they knew it, their food was served. felix's steaming plate of tteokbokki was fragrant with stir fried bell peppers, other various vegetables, and drool worthy meat. hyunjin's simple plates of kimbap were less fragrant but still smelled of great kimchi, and he was more than satisfied with the meal in front of him.

"thank you~" they said in unison to the owner and she graciously declined their thanks. she told them to enjoy their meal and rushed back into the kitchen. hyunjin watched as she excitedly hugged her husband, telling him about how the two boys looked quite content with their food. he smiled at the scene until felix piped up.

"what're you smiling at, jinnie?" felix had already prepared his chopsticks for the meal awaiting him.

"thanks for taking us here, bokkie," hyunjin turned back to the other boy with a smile on his face. felix got extremely soft at the sight of hyunjin just smiling like this.

"don't be silly.. you're the one that drove.." felix said shyly, breaking eye contact with the older and trying to suppress the blush he could feel spreading on his face. he was hoping the heat he could feel in his face was just from the steaming tteokbokki.

the two began their meal. they were scared for no reason at all. the food was absolutely delicious. the two snarfed down their food. felix didnt even care how hot the food was, it was just so damn good he just kept eating. so good in fact, the two didn't really even talk much while eating. just the occasional goan after a particularly good bite and comments on how good the food was. they finished eating after about thirty minutes, and they were both very full from what was supposed to be a quick brunch before work. they sat there, content, for a little before hyunjin checked the time.

"cmon, lix, our shifts start in just a little more than fifteen." they gathered their things and left the money they owed along with a small tip. felix knew most places in korea didn't like tipping, but his australian side always came out and left a little extra. he noticed that most places usually chalked it up to incorrectly calculating the money he owed.

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