chapter two : my treat

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it was a little strange that the prestigious art museum had a cozy lane of cafes, small stores, and flower shops (all of which were notably similar to the cafe hyunjin worked at and the flower shop felix worked at) just a walk away. but, this cozy corner that was comedically contrasting yet near the museum was a perfect place for hyunjin and felix to stop after their early morning art date. they went in a cafe since felix was hungry and wanting cafe sweets. hyunjin decided on his usual iced americano since it was still early in the day, and felix, who refused to give coffee another chance, ordered a taro milk tea and a strawberry sando. this cafe really has everything. they sat at a two seated table and waited for their food and drinks to arrive.

"yongbok-ah," hyunjin said as they sat down, "we should've just drove to my cafe. then at least we wouldn't have to pay in full."

"that's true hyunnie, but does your cafe have taro milk tea and strawberry sando?" felix stared at hyunjin with wide eyes and raised eyebrows until they both broke out laughing. the food came out as they recovered from the laughing fit. felix kindly thanked the cafe worker, but when hyunjin followed suit, the worker began acting flustered and blushed profusely before scurrying back to the counter. hyunjin, oblivious, started sipping on his americano while revisiting felix's post of the museum trip. he just couldn't get that rose painting out of his head.

"hyun, did you not see that?" felix asked, eyebrows raised but in a less comedic manner this time.

"see what?" hyunjin responded cooly without even looking up. after felix didn't answer for a while, hyunjin looked up to find a truly shocked felix, mouth agape and everything. "what??" hyunjin asked again, growing more confused over the blond's lack of response.

"that girl was totally blushing over you!!" felix whisper shouted, hoping that the cafe worker wasn't listening to their conversation.

"so what?" hyunjin calmly answered. that was when it occurred to felix that hyunjin, an absolutely, undeniably attractive person, likely got that reaction from many people very often. of course it was no secret to felix that hyunjin was popular with boys and girls alike, and in fact, he himself could admit that his friend was very attractive. he just never noticed how many people actually fell for hyunjin. upon this realization, felix felt a weird wrenching deep in his stomach. he shivered at the unfamiliar feeling.

"you okay? cold?" hyunjin looked up at felix again as he noticed the other shiver. felix just nodded with his brows furrowed. he wasn't cold, but he wasn't sure what he was feeling either. "let's just go walk around outside then, you'll warm up in the sun." they stood up and walked out the cafe.


"oh hyunjin, i forgot my phone in there, i'll be right back-" felix started walking back toward the cafe entrance.

"nono, i'll get it for you. just warm up more out here," hyunjin grabbed felix's arm and started walking back inside instead of the blond. felix nodded with a pressed smile and said a soft thank you to hyunjin before he went back in. felix admired the beautiful day that had unfolded while the two were busy in the museum. the sun was warm and shining softly through the clouds. the trees, plants, and flowers were blossoming in the spring air, and the birds were chirping cutely above. a smile spread on his face as he looked up into the sky and felt the warmth on his freckled skin.

"lixie~" he heard behind him. hyunjin was walking back in his direction with his phone raised in one hand and the other in his pocket. "i guess you were right, that girl was really into me!" he said to felix as he got closer, "she gave me her number when i went back in. she said she was embarrassed to do so in front of you, but since i went in alone, she just handed it to me. she talked really fast i guess she was nervous, haha." hyunjin was amused at the situation. felix, on the other hand, was not exactly impressed.

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