chapter four : rushed coffee runs and unpurchased flowers

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the two decided that they would grab an early lunch together before heading into work for the day. and since hyunjin drove felix, he would also drive him home after their shifts ended. the cafe hyunjin worked at was just a few buildings down the same street as the flower shop felix worked at, and they would often visit each other at work when on breaks or after shifts.

felix had heard of a new kimbap place that recently opened, so that's where they went. hopefully it would be good, but the risk wasn't that high considering it was quite near their work places and that they had already eaten well last night. if the food was really that bad, they could just eat at hyunjin's cafe or go to work and not eat at all.

"okay, once you pass my shop, just turn right. it's next to that one stationary store," felix had noticed the new restaurant opened when he was restocking his stationary collection the other day. hyunjin made the turn, and they were quickly greeted by the grand opening sign that were still up in front of the restaurant. looks promising. hyunjin parked, and the two eagerly went in.

"hello~ please sit anywhere!" a voice, from what was likely the kitchen, called as the bells above the door chimed when they came in. the two sat at a two seat table, and an older lady quickly came out to greet them.

"helloo, what can i get for you to drink?" she said with a smile as she handed a menu to each of the boys.

"i'll just take a water," hyunjin smiled back at the lady.

"orange juice?" felix wasn't sure of the beverage options.

"coming right up," the lady smiled warmly at them. hyunjin and felix resumed their conversation as the lady walked off into the kitchen.

"i'll come to the cafe after my shift ends to wait for you, yknow since my sh-" felix was cut off my hyunjin.

"since your shift ends before mine, yesyes, i know. we've had the same routine for i can't even remember how long now, lix." hyunjin chuckled at felix's repetitiveness. no matter how many times hyunjin took felix home after work, felix always reminded him that he would come by the cafe to wait.

"right sorry, haha.." felix looked down and blushed. something about how hyunjin knew him better than himself and was so reassuring about it was so endearing. why was he so flustered around hyunjin recently? the two both knew the tension with one another was growing recently, but they both ignored it. they didn't know why there was this feeling between them, and they definitely didn't know how to approach it.

"i think the shop is getting a new shipment of flowers today," hyunjin nodded, listening but indifferent to the information. "including a fresh bunch of papa meillands." hyunjin immediately perked up at this. the papa meilland is a rose infamous for its extremely fragrant and full petals, dramatic blossom, a long vase life, and, most importantly, its rich, deep red hue.

"really?" hyunjin leaned closer across the table to the other. "maybe i'll stop by the flower shop during break.." roses may be hyunjin's favorite flower, but the meilland was hyunjin's favorite variation by far.

"i'll just arrange a bouquet of them for you before heading over later," felix laughed at how excited the other got over the flower. could he say it was adorable?

"that'd be great, lix, thanks.." hyunjin was so smiley and giddy over the brief mention of the rose. felix bringing up the flower also brought up the memory of the painting. "i wonder what kind of rose the artist was trying to paint in that painting of the rose from yesterday."

"maybe a meilland," felix offered.

"maybe.. the rose didn't have any very distinct characteristics though," hyunjin rambled, "maybe the artist doesn't know much about roses, and just wanted to paint one anyways." the two nodded, that seemed to be a practical reason. it didn't matter to hyunjin whether or not the artist knew what they were painting, something about that painting just drew him to it.

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