The Rudra rudest Malhotra?

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Aanya Raichand

This stupid annoying ass sat beside me while I was busy trying to figure out things.

"What do you want?" I asked glaring at him and he just kept staring at me.

He is definitely behaving weird today.

He just sighed and gestured towards the rice bowl he kept on the table.

"First eat it. Aaradhna aunty called me and told me to make sure you have enough food in your system. She said you forget to eat while working." He said and I rolled my eyes at mom's behaviour.

"I am not a small child. You continue with your meal and get some rest. I'll probably need 2-3 hours more." I said again focusing back on my laptop.

"I'll force you to eat Aanya! Don't make me do it." He said with a stern face and I huffed.

"What is your problem? Just let me do my work and no need to behave as if you care." I yelled at him scoffing and he glared at me.

"I am not behaving as if I care. I really do not want to care for a person as bitchy as you but right now you are my responsibility." He said and I scoffed.

"Your responsibility? I am no one's fucking responsibility. I am a very independent
person." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Tell me this when you need a ride to go home at midnight today." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

He calls me a bitch?
He is a world class asshole!

Just when I was cursing him in my mind he forwarded a spoon full of rice before my mouth and I froze at my place.

Are we sure this is Rudra Malhotra?
The Rudra rudest Malhotra?

Before I could react he shoved that in mouth and I glared at him while chewing the food.

"Great way of feeding someone!" I said scoffing and glared at him.

"Don't glare at me you stubborn woman. You won't get the princess treatment with this attitude of yours!" He said rolling his eyes and again fed me another bite.

I just ignored him and continued my work.

He's right I am never going to get princess treatment with this attitude.

"But uhhh... Who wants the princess treatment? Definitely not me!" I said rolling my eyes.

I again started working trying to track the hacker when a morsel was held before me yet again.

"You just said----- He interrupted me again by feeding me.

" You should talk less maybe I can tolerate you better." He said while I huffed and continued working and he continued feeding me.

"Yaar Rudra! Enough, I am full." I said whining and he gave up not before throwing a nasty glare.

"You literally ate less than a child would eat." He complained but I ignored again focused on the work at hand.

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