Chapter 1

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    I squinted my eyes in pure judgement while looking at my friend, Denisse who is covering her mouth and trying to suppress a small scream as she gazed at the magazine cover photo with appreciation.

   No... Appreciation would be an understatement, what's left to do for her was to kiss on the cover over and over again for me to persuade me she's actually gone crazy.

  I gasped the moment she put her mouth on the cover and kissing it repeatedly.

  And with that ladies and gentlegays, my best friend since forever has finally lost her head.

  "Remind me again why you like their music?" I asked and crossed my arms infront of her . I just can't understand what is up with these girls that made her insanely obsessed with them.

She rolled herself on the bed, "Other than them being openly gay, producing top quality gay music, they're oozing charisma so much that I couldn't trust any sapphic who doesn't know them. I love them okay? Now, stop judging me." She giggled. I sighed and peeked at the cover she's been eye-candying for too long.

  Let's see... There are four people in the picture. Perhaps they could be the members. I looked back at Denisse as she looked back at me with a smirk on her face.

  "Well? Do you want to listen to some of their music?" She wiggled her eyebrows. My nose scrunched in displeasure.

   I had a snippet of what their music sounded like, it's not my vibe. "These girls' songs fit you so well. How can I relate?"

  It's always about girls loving girls. I've never had those experiences before so I know I can't relate to it.

  "Aside of the classical music that your ancestors wanted you to hear, you really need to explore more on different music genre." She pouted as she went on her phone before pressing a certain music to play.

   I immediately gasped in shock and  froze when she's playing a song about sex. I gave her an  are-you-serious look as she was vibing with it.

"A-Are these one of their works?" I asked. She nodded her head as an answer. "You are unhinged..." I slowly stated as I shook my head in disbelief.

   To tell you shortly, Denisse and I were two peas on different pods.  Yet we simply click for some reason.

   She's the grungy type while I like to dress conservatively. She listens outrageous songs while I have been listening on different genres too. Specifically, Something that mellows my brain.

  She's openly gay, I am currently questioning. Don't ask me why, I hate men.

  She parties while I stay at home, not because I'm quirky or anything but it's because I'm wasn't allowed to party and go out my whole life and I stopped trying to and came to convince myself that parties are boring even though I've never been into one and that peace is much better. Was it because of my upbringing? Yes.

  You see, I grew up with strict grandparents. They've loved me alright, but the thing was they always think that the outside world is dangerous. Which I somewhat agree though however, I did had friends who had the same classical taste as me. We just didn't get along that long. I'm surprises Denisse wanted to be friends with me, even though we're literally a different fonts. She's could be the Century Gothic font while I could most probably be a Times New Roman font.

   "Girl, you seriously need to go out." She shook her head disapprovingly.

"That sounds like a tiring job, Denny." My faces already showed the disapproval of that idea. Nah, I'd rather stay at home and finish work.  She rolled her eyes and looked at me with a furrowed brow.

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