Jiho eyes left the others and his eyes snapped upwards. This time, it felt as if his breath vacated his body in short fashion. Then it returned with to his lungs vengeance.


There was no doubt.


That was his sister steadily coming down the staircase with slow yet dainty steps.

Miranda Osoro, his brother's twin...his older sister. Dressed in a long, dark blue silky dress, a soft looking shawl around her shoulders. What would've looked simple on anyone else only looked luxurious when worn by her. Her height and likeness was no different than his brother's yet instead of being overbearing in this fashion, she appeared level and collected. Instead of being manly she simply looked softer although if both stood together kne could clearly see the unmistakable resemblance.

Her hair was done up with not a strand out of place and only a traditional-looking hair pin held it all up together. When she got to the last step, the man from before was quick to put forward a hand which she took as she stepped down.

Her eyes were piercing and the moment her feet touch the ground, they surveyed the scene with hawk-like steadiness then zeroed in on Jiho who stood by, appearing inconspicuous.

Jiho swallowed his nerves and put on a gentle smile. If he could work for his brother without faltering from fear...this shouldn't be too hard... he thought as he journeyed over the short distance to meet them with a smile.

While he was beating himself up, wondering how to properly address her after so long, she did so first, much to his relief.

"Jiho-" she spoke in a very odd tone looking him up and down.

Jiho, under this scrutiny, tried not to fidget as he held out his hand. He didn't think she'd do too nicely with a hug or anything similar so he banished that thought and action from his mind. "Miranda-" his voice trailed off as she moved, instead of shaking his hand  her hand went higher, as if to...

Jiho sucked in a quiet breath, cutting himself off. He couldn't help it, she was so similar in his brother in every way. Even now felt like an outer body experience as he met her again after so long. Not only that but...she was tall, like his brother too.

Her hand touched his head which was not what Jiho expected, "Taller..." she murmured more to herself than him, "than I remembered." She ignored his reactions as she further scrutinized and observed him, as if looking though produce in an isle. "Not as chubby," her hand felt his hair then moved on to his face, "You grew."

Jiho was lost for words.

He was a grown man, why was she treating no different than an aunt commenting on their nephew-! He kept his inner grievances to himself. Wasn't she like this...back then too? All of them used to tease him...didnt Marcello picked that up from her as well?

Jiho didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Remembering the group of people surrounding them, his face slowly tinted red. Miranda paid him no mind as she felt his cheeks, smothering him and even pinching and pulling with a small frown. "You haven't been eating well," she pointed out her little observation, "And your eyes, it's all dark under here."

Jiho wanted to groan. Again, he was a grown man now, yet somehow she still treated him no different than the kid she saw him as before she left.

It was just as Jiho feared.

He had a thought that maybe she'd show indifference towards him...judging from her voice over the phone. But, he was proven horribly wrong.

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