Chapter 6

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"This hero in your story father is recklessly a foolish one in my opinion." The cute crown prince stated as their Imperial father has gathered him and his twin again in the Emperor's bed chamber giving them a bedtime story continuation for the wizard child against the bald dark wizard.

Ariel nodded her head at the other side as the Emperor is situated between his children in the bed. "Come on, you both should be asleep already, I'll tell you what happens tomorrow night. Stop thinking. I'm tired." Minho admitted.

Ariel chuckles. "Father promise, you will?"

Minho tiredly nods.

The crown prince closed his eyes and says. "I am a good boy, look. I got my eyes closed father."

Minho laughs. "Sure."

Ariel closes her eyes. "I love you father." She whispered snuggling closer to the Emperor. Minho hesitated but answered. "I love you and your brother, my child." In this chaotic world he now lives, Minho came to a conclusion he will take care and love this two buns unconditionally. They deserve a happy life, this children at least do, no matter what he will make it his priority. They are too innocent and good for this world.

The second prince entered the Drukur Empire's capital. It was strange for everyone how the second prince came back without his ever demanding bratty attitude to be attended in a speed along his troops. An unknown sense of humility embraces him as he gently asked for his troops to be accommodated as they came victorious.

He took a bath as the servants busily took care of him to look presentable as he needs to attend the royal celebratory banquet the Emperor made for his achievement.

The royal family members are all present sitting elegantly on their respective seats as the night progress after all the pleasantries of speech. The second prince took this chance to have a talk with his eldest brother who was about to finished his happy discussion with one of the newly hired ministers just a month ago.

He saw the minister bows his head as his eldest brother started to walk away. He hurriedly make his way and call his eldest brother. "Your Highness, eldest brother may I speak to you in private?"

The eldest narrowedly looked at him. "A bird told me, you meeting my soon to be husband and your actions weren't in my liking so there isn't a point of us talking when you've shamefully done it so."

The second prince bows his head at the eldest. "And I deeply regretted it."

"I know you do, but since Emperor Gemini Vi Aiden stated he will forget your shameless actions. I will give you a chance to explain yourself."

The second prince breathes in relief. All of their siblings cherish their eldest brother for he is much of a father figure to them than their own busy father. Their eldest brother will always be ten steps ahead of them and to get on his bad side never goes better to anyone in their Empire. Their father might be the Emperor as of the moment in his old age but in reality in any moment their powerful eldest brother can take the crown himself as easy as eating a cake but choose not to act rash and comply to the conditions the old man made, their eldest brother is such a filial son indeed.

"Eldest brother, I was wrong. Please forgive me." The second prince asks his eldest brother's forgiveness truly wanting to mend the precious relationship for his brother and known father figure since young.

The eldest prince placed a hand on his shoulder. "Emperor Gemini Vi Aiden and I, had a fair discussion on this marriage that we both agreed upon on. I expect you to learn from your misconduct and also gain back his surely broken thought about your way of thinking. He will become a part of this family soon." The prince paused. "I expect you to be on your best behavior once he and I, be married."

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