03: Present Day

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But as he looks up on the big screen during timeout, he feels like the air is being sucked out of him. His ears don't betray them either, as the announcer calls on your name and Taehyung's - "celebrity sightings," he says, while you and your best friend wave to the camera and smile like the superstars that you both are. The cheers get louder and Geumjae joins them until he realizes.

"Shit, that's your ex-girlfriend," he whisper-shouts. He laughs at the scene of his brother practically choking on his drink. "Wow, she still has that effect on you, huh?"

"No, she doesn't," Yoongi says nonchalantly, desperately forcing his heart to slow its beating.

"Did you know she's gonna be here?"

"I don't keep tabs on her whereabouts, Geumjae," he replies, suddenly sounding hard, defensive.

"Do you think she's gonna be at the party?"

Fuck, the party, Yoongi slightly panics. Jungkook talked about the sort of reunion he's throwing at his house after the game. Their old teammates will be there, as well as some other friends from college who are still in the city. You and Taehyung were honorary members of that group and Yoongi knows that you're both invited, too.

"I guess," he merely shrugs, looking like it doesn't bother him much.

It shouldn't. It's been 6 years, and while he'd been the one to break it off, you're the one who's dated a lot since then, something he can't fault you for. You'd obviously catch a lot of attention - you did catch his - not just for your charm and unbelievable beauty but for your talent as well. He's not surprised that you're rumored to be dating Kim Seokjin, said to be this decade's most desired leading man and who also happens to be your good friend, the one who'd helped you out a lot during your years in university. Yoongi used to be a little jealous then, something he never told you, and well, he guesses it's meant to be with you and Seokjin now, a man he could probably never live up to.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Geumjae breaks through his thoughts.

"Yeah. Why won't I be?" Yoongi huffs, sinking back to his seat to watch the game that suddenly isn't so interesting anymore.

His question is left unanswered and his brother resumes his cheers, no doubt invested in this match that's now tied. But Yoongi drifts in and out, his eyes following the players up and down the court then mindlessly landing on you. You're seated in a relaxed manner, the opposite to how you used to watch his games. He sees you silently cheer for the Thunders, too, and you giggle at Taehyung when you scream louder than you intended, your hand covering your mouth as you lean on your friend and he laughs along.

He could hear the sound of your laughter from across the gymnasium, as if the way the dulcet tone of your voice used to send shivers down his spine whenever you giggled in his ears was just yesterday. He shakes off the goosebumps he feels and tries to sit comfortably on the chair.

"Are you nervous?" Geumjae asks. "You're awfully quiet."

"Since when was I ever loud during a basketball game?" He shoots his brother an incredulous look.

"You may not make a sound but your body does," the older man points out. "I could feel you buzzing earlier and cheering in that Yoongi way of yours but now," he eyes him up and down, "your legs are just bouncing. And you're biting your nails again."

Yoongi catches himself. He forces his leg to be still and tucks his hand under it. It's a tell he has, and he has no doubt that his brother has caught on. Still, he lies. "The game's close. I want the Thunders to win."

"Really? That's what you're going with?"

"Yes, now can we just focus on the game?" Yoongi chides, not wanting to confirm whatever his brother's suspicions are.

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