"What the...?" Brad was shocked and surprised, and he gritted his teeth and grabbed Johan by his collar. "Who are you? How dare you attack us?"

Johan didn't reply, but he headbutted Brad, weakening his grip. Johan freed himself and then hit Brad with a spinning roundhouse kick to the face. Both Brad and Jason were on the ground, but Johan was surrounded by the girls of the shops.

"Why are you guys fighting here?"

"I heard he attacked Jason first."

"What a jerk!"

"Call Jerry here. He will teach this punk a lesson."

"What if he is cute? He can't attack anyone he wants."

"And Jerry is cuter."

The girls said to themselves, and one of them called up Big Deal. Jerry was on his way to the street.

Meanwhile, the girl from the soup shop also arrived and saw Johan sitting over Jason and Brad. She made eye contact with him and asked, "Why did you hit them?"

"Because I wanted to," Johan replied.

"What do you mean, you wanted to?" another girl asked. Johan got up and stomped Brad again. "Like I said, I beat them because I wanted to. I don't need a reason to do so," he said while continuing to beat up Jason and Brad until Jerry Kwon finally arrived with Lineman.

"What's with that crowd?" Lineman said. Jerry replied, "The girls said someone knocked out Jason and Brad."

"Someone beat them both?" Lineman gulped, but being Lineman, he went with Jerry.

"Look, Jerry is here!"

"Jerry, teach him a lesson!"

"Lineman is here too, that jerk doesn't stand a chance now."
The girls said while Jerry and Lineman walked towards Johan. Jerry quickly assessed the situation and asked Johan, "Who are you?"

Johan gave no response. Jerry then asked, "Why did you beat up our boys?"

"Because I wanted to," Johan replied, and Jerry was surprised for a second before he realized that this guy was a complete jerk.

Jerry looked around and knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to fight there, so he ignored Johan and picked up Jason and Brad before leaving.

"Where do you think you're going, big guy?" Johan spoke up, but Jerry ignored him and continued walking. Johan became angry and locked his gaze on Lineman.

"If you don't stop, I will beat this thug here," Johan said, but Jerry didn't care, thinking that Johan wouldn't dare harm Lineman in front of him.

But Jerry was wrong. Johan doesn't hold back when it comes to fighting.

Johan hit Lineman with a back kick that was more than enough, and Lineman was out cold.

Jerry was now angry with Johan and asked, "You want to fight?"

"I do."

"Then be prepared to die today."

"As if a punk like you can do something," Johan laughed, but Jerry was serious, "Come with me."


"We can't fight here, or the customers won't go to the shops, and Jake will be mad at me."

"You really love kissing Jake's ass, don't you?"

"That's Jake's anus you're talking about. Mind your language," Jerry replied while Johan laughed and followed him. They reached an area near the sea that was like a port but without any ferries.

Both Jerry and Johan were ready to clash against one another, and Jerry was really angry that day.

"I don't know who you are or why you're here, but what I do know is that you harmed my friends, and I never forgive those who harm my friends," Jerry said.

"Stop bitching and throw hands, asshole!" Johan retorted. The two of them rushed at each other, but Johan jumped mid-air to knee Jerry in the face. With just one flying knee strike, Johan broke Jerry's nose.

"Nose, that's a pressure point that you cannot strengthen ever," Johan said. "No matter what training you do or what build you have, it's always vulnerable, and your nose is too big for your own good." He hit Jerry with a spinning roundhouse kick to the face, which Jerry tanked on the spot.

"Is that all you can do?" Jerry said, trying to be cool. But Johan smirked and turned his back for a second, and Jerry tried to grab him. However, Johan had 360 vision, which allowed him to be invulnerable from all sides.

When Jerry launched himself at Johan, Johan leaned forward and hit him with a strong back kick that was powerful enough to send Jerry away. Even with his insane build, Jerry managed to stay on his feet, but when he tried to attack Johan, his hand couldn't reach him.

"You're slow," Johan said while jumping right over Jerry's head and doing a handstand on his head. "And you have no skills, no talent whatsoever. In short, you're shit."

Johan declared the fight over while Jerry was frozen in his place. Johan finally jumped off Jerry and slammed him into the ground with a powerful stomp kick.

Jerry Kwon was lying on the ground, and the impact had cracked the ground beneath him.

Meanwhile, Johan stood over Jerry, who wasn't even tired in the slightest. "This was Big Deal No. 2? Great, a fodder second-in-command for a fodder crew."

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