I looked at Rin with my mouth at a slight gap, and my cheeks starting on fire. "Babe.." I called in a low voice, "What did you see?"

His cheeks went into an even deeper shade of red, "Just your underwear..."

I know this might sound bad but I just shrugged, "You've seen me in my underwear before." He shakes his head and chuckles, "Yeah but that's because you were looking for your pants. I never want to disrespect you, sweet-cheeks."

I shrugged leaning over and placing my head on his shoulder, "I know that."

He switched hands on the steering wheel. He wrapped his right arm around me, "If your tired you can sleep on the way there it might take a while." 

I closed my eyes and let the sweet darkness of sleep take over.

~Le Timeskip because Reader-chan feels a bit lazy \(^~^)/~

"(Y/N)" I heard my name being called softly by a familiar voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see the prettiest dark blue orbs staring back at me. I smile and kissed Rin's cheek. "Are we there?" I asked still sleepy.

"Yeah we're there." he chuckled at my lazy, cute self.

"Yay." I laughed.

He get the big comforter from the trunk and laid it out on the hood. It will be like our nice soft seat instead of the hard metal hood. I grabbed the picnic basket and followed Rin to the hood of the car. He held my hand and helped me on to the hood. I didn't realize how pretty it was until I looked up. The sky was completely clear. I could see the twinkling stars, and the full moon shine like the sun. The moon tonight was almost completely pure white! It was breath taking. "Beautiful." was all I could manage to say. "Yeah it is." Rin agreed.

For hours we sat out there looking up to the stars, pointing out constellations, and feeding each other the food Rin packed, like chocolate covered strawberries. He was a romantic when he wanted to be, I must admit. But this took it to the top.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

I replied with a small hum telling him that I was listening.

"I love you with all my heart." He whispered and pulled me close to him. My head was to his chest. He snaked his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Me being a little shorter than he, he brought me up a little so that we were about eye level. He leaned over slowly. Kissing my lips ever so gently. I have to admit it was unbearable, but it was sweet.

When we pulled away I felt something cold on my neck, almost like a chain. I looked down to see a silver necklace with a small tiger in a prowl position and it's tail in the air. It had white glistening diamonds on the stripes with a bright blue diamond for an eye. It was beautiful. Wet tears were welling in my eyes.

Tigers mean so much to me. My first best friend was a tiger demon, he protected me and vise versa. My boyfriend has the spirit of a tiger, that I love so much. And I've always loved the mystical animal.

I hugged Rin tightly, slightly crying. "I love it Rin!" I said, "It's absolutely beautiful!"

$$$ (Author's Note) $$$

Okay so I have been asked to do a lemon chapter. There's a few things about that...

1.) I'm a virgin

2.) I'm a virgin

3.) Some of the readers might not like a lemon as much as others.

4.) I have a few more ideas for this book

So I have concluded with a vote. If you want a lemon in about 3 chapters write Lemonade, "When life gives you lemons make lemonade. If you don't want a lemon write Oranges, "When life gives you lemonade make organges, and then life will be like "Wait what?""

I'm asking for EVERYONES votes! So please in the comments write what you think. I'm still up for ideas on chapters so.... Thanks for reading I love all of you... Have a great life :3

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