7. Thinkable Actions

Start from the beginning

I was so fixated on writing that I didn't feel Enid's presence right behind me. I noticed when her hand reached over my shoulder to set an object down next to my typewriter. My eyes examined it instantly for me to find out it's the velvet ring box my father had given to Enid.

"Thanks for the tip, Wednesday. By the way, I've been holding onto your ring for a while. I know you told me to do whatever I want with it, but it's better if I just give it to you. I have mine on, and I intend to keep it. You get to pick what you want to do with your ring," Enid's words flowed into my ears.

From there, the footsteps of the colorful creature walked away from where I sat. I partially gazed back to see Enid laying into the sleeping bag. I wish to tell the thoughtful girl she can lay on my bed, yet I don't have the courage to tell her. I'm not functioning properly like I used to. I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Before I proceeded further to my novel, I eyed the box containing my ring inside. Without delaying, I grasped the box and opened to reveal the golden jewelry nestled in the soft foam. I moved the box down to my lap and removed the ring cautiously as if it were a fragile glass that can break with a single movement.

I placed it onto my palm and analyzed it as if there's something wrong with it. However, the jewelry was intact and perfectly in good condition. As much as I prepared myself to slide it onto my ring finger, I am not ready to make that choice. All I could do was let out a quiet sigh and clenched onto the ring in my hand.


Enid Sinclair

I'm super duper excited to see Morticia and Gomez today! We haven't heard from them since the day they left. They'll be home to everyone and everything still in one piece. In the afternoon, I made an idea to bake a cake as a little surprise to welcome them back home. Pugsley and I were making the batter together from scratch until he accidentally slipped on a puddle of water.

I caught him in time before he landed on the ground, but the mixture spilled all over him and a bit on me. I had him take a shower while I cleaned up the mess on the floor and wall. As I finished washing the wall, Wednesday invited herself in the kitchen to check my progress on the cake.

"Care to explain what happened?" Wednesday interrogated.

"Your brother slipped on some water that was on the floor and dropped the cake batter all over himself and some onto me," I described the incident.

"It is typical for my brother to be clumsy. I see you still have dark chocolate mix on your face," the psychic pointed out.

"I'll clean myself up in a minute. Good thing your mom's apron saved my clothing from being dirty. I'm going to wash it in the laundry room after I'm done," I grinned deliberately.

"My mother and father will arrive approximately in an hour and a half. You should pick up the pace or else it'll be too late," Wednesday advised while coming towards me.

Out of the blue, the raven outstretched one hand to cup my face. She used the other hand to wipe off the smudges from my cheek that had the dessert batter on. My face started burning up from the physical contact. Feeling Wednesday's cold hands touching my face made me want to howl out of fulfillment. Especially when she's very close to me.

My eyes were fixated on the goth girl who didn't look directly into my eyes. This is the closest I've ever been to Wednesday. Her now noticeable freckles caught my attention because of how adorable it looked on her cheeks. I would love to hold the short girl's face and caress it tenderly while telling her sweet nothings. Oh, the things you do to me Wednesday.

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