"Well, the sadness and grief would have dwindled by the third or fourth time," you chuckle. "I'm not good enough yet to maintain all the emotions after so many takes."

"Not that you aren't good enough," Jin counters. "You just haven't been in the industry that long yet. That kind of experience makes a difference. I'd say I wouldn't have been able to sustain the same emotion for long, too. It was a difficult one. I mean, what goodbye scene isn't?"

It's a rhetorical question, of course, but much of why it was difficult for you to keep the emotions in was because it was your first goodbye scene. You have a feeling that the succeeding ones wouldn't be any easier, though. You'd like to think you're okay with goodbyes and that says a lot, but then again, you don't know anyone who's actually good at it.

Or maybe you do. But you'd rather not think about it.

It's silent for a few more seconds. You suppose that the rest of your co-actors who are here with you are still processing the end of a series that's been their source of comfort for the past few months, too. It had been your weekly routine to watch the episode together in Jin's house, not wanting to let go of each other just yet after filming wrapped up a few weeks ago.

"Well, that was amazing, wasn't it?" He finally speaks up. "It was a good run and thank god that ___ insisted on these watch parties. Or else I'd be crying by myself in my room after the finale," he laughs. "This better not be the last time we see each other."

"Because it isn't," you reply. "We still have that cast and crew dinner and a couple more filming stuff for promo. That's easily another 3 more weeks of being together. Which is really 3 weeks too short."

"So... does anyone want to go on a trip after that?" Hyun-seung, one of the actors, excitedly suggests. "It'd be a good way to unwind and use up what we'll earn."

You laugh along with everyone but you're the only one who passes up on it.

"I can't," you sigh. "I have a trip to Daegu at the end of the month and I can't move it."

Disappointed sighs echo throughout the living room, and you insist that they should continue with the trip without you. Most of them don't want to, but you eye Jin so that he would make the call to push through with it even if you won't be around, so he does. It's rare to find such good company with other actors, and you truly want them to maintain the friendships they built here way beyond the series.

Your friends make general plans as you listen in, wishing you could be there instead of home, which is where you'll be for the next 2 months as you promised your family. Or more like, as they guiltripped you into doing.

You haven't been home in years and for good reason. After your parents separated and you were the lone child who didn't harbor anger towards your mother who wanted to pursue her dreams elsewhere, you promised yourself you'd leave that place, too.

Visits during summer had been fine. But after the most painful goodbye you ever made, you'd stopped going back altogether, reasoning that your up and coming career required all your time. You doubt that your family knew the truth, and despite their remarks of you following in the footsteps of your mother, those weren't enough for you to open up about something so heartbreaking, knowing it hit too close to home. Their bitterness wasn't a reason for you to keep going back either.

"Daegu, really?" Jin asks after everyone else has left, save for Taehyung and Jimin, your personal assistant whose glassy eyes say he's not yet over the season finale. "You haven't been home in 6 years."

"Four, actually," you correct him. "I had a filming there sometime ago."

"Yeah, but you didn't actually go home," he clarifies. "You went to the shoot then back to your hotel. I remember that; I kept asking Tae how you were doing."

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