Truths of the future

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they found themselves in the Room Of Requirement sitting on various spots. Never in his life draco thought he would find himself chatting with the golden trio.

"Okay Okay so obviously since everyone is curious how did draco and harry...well you know happened?" Pansy asked the kids and passed a teasing tone to draco. It was true everyone in the room was curious.

"hmmm....lets just say that in started in 6th year like Dad was being suspicious of Father that he was "up to something"" Scorpius started. "As usual" Draco muttered.

"And aunt Hermione said that dad was becoming way more obsessed with father then he actually admits" Scorpius said. Harry looked down and felt his cheeks growing hot. "He still is" Hermione said smirking, Harry sent her a glare. 

"Sooo one day Father caught him and er lets just say the conversation they had was heated" Scorpius continued "in many ways" James said smirking

Ron gagged "HARRY! Dont tell me you clapped cheeks with malfoy!" Draco and Harry blushed. Pansy rolled on the floor wheezing and Hermione snorted.

"I DO NOT!" Harry said red.

" did...but it according to aunt pansy it wasnt until you moved in together sooo" James said casually. Pansy made a goose sound (me) and wheezed.

"Okay lets not forget that you and granger have children together weasel" Draco said teasingly. Harry smirked as the couple went red.

"Okay Okay enough of this Now more questions who had you guys i mean who gave birth to you" Hermione said to the potters. "Oh no one actually Father created us" Scorpius said. "what?" draco asked confused.

"Well since your the potions master and all-" James started but was cut off "I am a potions master?" Draco asked surprised "yes and a very successful one you have a room full of your trophies and degrees or sum and you love to obsess over them" James said rolling his eyes.

Draco grinned feeling proud and accomplished, he looked at harry like some kid who just made his first pillow fort. Harry smiled at him.

"Yeah so you created a potion, and basically that potion is for couples or an individual who wants children of their own but cant have them, it creates children" James finished.

"Mhm that is why Lily, Scorpius and James has characteristics of both of you" Rose said. "Wow...that is.." Ron started "genius" hermione finished.

"see i knew you were gonna be a great potions master you nerd" pansy said punching draco's arm in a teasing way.

"so what do the rest of us do for living?" hermione asked

"you have been recently been appointed the minister of magic mum" Rose said proudly. Hermione's eyes widdened "minister of magic? me? really??" she asked surprised.

"Of course you are the smartest one out of our year" Harry said, "Mhm and dad you are a high posted auror" Rose told ron. "Bloody hell? your kidding" "nope" she said, ron grinned.

"So father you guys already know teaches potions and dad teaches DADA" lily said proud. "I-really? i do?"

"yep!" she said "well you wanted to be an auror earlier but then it required really long working hours, and you didnt want to leave for so long and most of all stay away from father" James said making a gag noise.

"and last but not the least aunt pansy you are a very emphasis on very successful fashion designer" Scorpius said.

Pansy's mouth hung open "i-what?? really? i never intended to be one honestlly"
"yeah you didnt but then you thought 'lets give this a shot' and it made you happy so thats how you ended up a fashion designer" Scorpius said

"and why would you not? your fashion sense is Fabulous" lily added. "thank you darling im honoured"

Draco patted pansy's back "always knew you werent useless" he said comical. "ah, ekquizme??" pansy said putting her hand on her chest pretending to be hurt. Draco raised an eyebrow at her teasingly.

"I honestly admire aunt pansy" Rose said, "oh im flattered but..why?" pansy asked. "you were dating this guy and then you found out he was cheating on you..." Rose started


"yeah and you being an absolute queen put hair removal in his shampoo and blue dye in his body wash" she finished grinning. Scorpius laughed "that was so hilarious, he was bald and blue"

"mhm and the blue colour stayed for a month, he couldnt go out at all" James said grinning.

"wow" hermione said. "yeah your..brilliant parkinson" Harry said amused. "i know im the best " pansy said flipping her hair. The rest of the night was shared with plenty of laughs and chats. Mid way the talk lily crawled to draco's lap and slept, hugging him. Draco smiled warmly at her and looked at harry who had the same expression. 

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