Gun had fought Jake Kim, Samuel Seo from Big Deal, Warren Chae, and Eli Jang from Hostel, but none of them had pushed him this far.

"Listen punk, leave Gangbuk as soon as possible. I don't want you here. Jin Jang is making money for me. That's all I care about," Gun said before turning his back and beginning to leave while saying, "If we had met before, then I would have let you be one of the Big Four."

While leaving, Gun glanced back at Johan, who seemed out cold. Gun said, "You were good, but remember, Gun Park is only one man."

As Gun started to leave, he heard Johan say from behind, "Spare me the bullshit."

Gun heard and turned around to see Johan getting back on his feet while saying, "I am not you. I don't want to be you. I am just someone who refuses to lose."

"You still standing?" Gun looked a bit surprised, and Johan said, "Wanna bet I am?"

Hearing that, Gun gained a huge smile on his face and finally took off his glasses, revealing his black eyes that looked as if he was staring into your soul.

"Do you know something, Gun? I have never lost a fight, nor am I planning to lose, so I must beat you," Johan said, walking up to Gun.

The two of them stood in front of each other with their heads attached. Gun said, "Why don't you try that?"

Without warning, Johan fell to the ground, catching Gun off guard. Johan then did a handstand and kicked Gun in the face.

Gun was slightly pushed away, and he pushed Johan away using Kyokushin karate, but Johan did a backflip to save himself.

"Show me what else you can do!" Gun said in joy.

Johan rushed at him with blinding speed and sat on Gun's shoulder, wrapping his legs around Gun's head and placing him in a neck hold.

Gun felt slightly suffocated, but he slammed his head into the ground, successfully slamming Johan into the ground. However, Johan endured it and ripped off some of Gun's skin from his neck.

Gun got irritated and threw Johan away. He noticed scars on his's neck and remembered his fight with Eli Jang from Hostel.

While Gun was having flashbacks, Johan didn't waste any time and rushed at Gun with a straight punch, but Gun caught his fist.

"What now?" Gun said, but Johan smirked and used his right leg to hit Gun with a roundhouse kick, causing Gun to let go of his hand.

Johan once again did a handstand and hit Gun with multiple spinning kicks, making Gun bleed a little from his nose.

But that only made Gun more excited to fight, and he wasn't going to let Johan go now.

"This is good," Gun said as he attacked Johan with a Kyokushin karate straight punch. Johan tried to block it, but he couldn't.

Gun's raw power was too much for Johan's defense, and Johan was sent flying. But Gun didn't let him go.

Gun grabbed Johan by the face and slammed him into the ground, followed by a barrage of punches to the face.

Gun broke Johan's nose and introduced him to a new world of pain. Johan was in immense pain, but Gun was in immense pleasure.

"Hahahaha, it's fun, isn't it?" Gun said while beating the crap out of Johan, and with a last punch, Gun was going to end this fight.

However, Johan kneed Gun in the back, and Gun stopped for a mere second. That was enough for Johan to get away from him.

"Why are you running from me? I am not done playing yet," Gun said, grinning madly, while Johan was panting heavily and looking like hell at this point.

"He is too strong for me. It's my only chance," Johan said to himself and looked at Gun, grinding his teeth against each other.

Meanwhile, Gun was excited to see what Johan would do next, so he let Johan rest for a moment or two.

Finally, Johan was ready. He first took a step back and then ran straight towards Gun.

Gun grinned madly, "You finally decided to play with me." Gun also ran up to Johan, but Johan jumped mid-air and spun, and Gun looked surprised. "What's that? Can he do it?"

Gun was surprised to see such a beautiful move that Johan was trying to pull off.

He was fascinated by the beauty of the move and was looking forward to seeing Johan pull off the 1080 kick, a move that not even Gun, who is a master martial artist himself, had ever seen someone pull perfectly.

But now, Johan was trying to pull off that move.

Johan spun mid-air, closed the distance between them, and finally landed a perfect 1080° kick on Gun.

Gun was hit by the extremely beautiful move on the right side of his chest, and for a moment, he had forgotten that this move was just as dangerous as it was beautiful.

But being Gun, he somehow managed to stand his ground and grabbed Johan's leg mid-air, slamming him to the ground like a toy.

"That was quite a show, but it's over now," Gun said, ending the fight with a last punch to Johan's face, knocking him out cold.

Once Johan was knocked out cold, Gun looked at his chest and said to himself, "Am I getting weaker? Or is it because I was out of action for a while? Either way, it's not good."

Gun left Johan lying on the ground, but then he remembered something. "I forgot to ask his name. I wonder if he would want to be my successor? Well, it's not like we won't meet again."

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