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Billy Loomis and Stu Macher had just finished killing the mother of Sidney Prescott, Maureen Prescott. Billy of course enjoyed it he had finally killed the lady who his dad cheated on and the reason his mother abandoned him when he was just 10. Stu on the other hand didn't even know why he helped kill Maureen if Billy did most of it but he did help gut and also s/a Maureen so he was proud of that.

" You got Cotton's jacket? " Stu asked and Billy nodded " Yeah " was all that Billy said. They were planning on framing Cotton for the murder of Maureen of course to make it even more real Sidney is going to make a statement in court well they won't force her but they know she's going to put a statement so there's that. Billy removed the mask and got the knife he stabbed Maureen with multiple times and gut her and licked the blood that was on the knife.

Stu was just watching his partner licking blood. Yes it was gross because like why would anyone do that? But to Stu that was very...and I mean very attractive. Stu was so interested in Billy licking the knife the way Billy's tongue was wrapped around the knife getting all the blood and not missing a piece of blood.

Just staring at Billy doing that was making Stu trying to not let his moan out he was biting his lip fighting the moan. He was praying that his moan doesn't slip out. I mean who wouldn't find this hot? Because I would. Anyway Billy knew his partner was staring at him he didn't care although it did bother me he just didn't know what his partner was staring at.

Billy had just finished licking all the blood that was on the knife but what he didn't know his partner was behind him and he was pulled facing his partner who still had the mask on. " Stu? " Billy asked as for Stu who now removed his mask and kissed Billy. Billy was shocked he didn't expect to be kissed in this situation especially by hiss partner but he sinked into the kiss. Stu could feel the blood going into his mouth.

Stu didn't mind at all he just...needed this kiss. The two kissed for a hot minute before they broke apart and Billy looked at his partner with lust in his eyes. The two locked eye contact not even daring to break the contact. Well that was till Billy coughed a bit and theh broke the contact. " We should start heading I'll just have to plant Cotton's jacket so we can frame Cotton " Billy said as Stu let go of his partner and put the mask back on and so did Billy.

Billy headed to the living room and grabbed Cotton's jacket that was hanged and took it back to the bedroom and placed the jacket on the bed near Maureen's lifeless body and Billy grabbed some blood and smeared it on the jacket to make it more real. Once the evidence was planted the two jumped out the window. The jump wasn't much since they were on the 2nd floor of the building so they were fine.

Once they landed on the ground the two headed to where Stu had parked the car. They didn't want to be notice so they didn't even dare remove the costum anyway they got to the car and entered. Once they were in they removed the mask and Billy pulled in Stu to a kiss. This time it lasted longer than a minute. After the kiss that they had which felt for years they broke away and Stu started driving away.

" Today was fun doll " Stu said as Billy growled " Watch it Macher. Don't call me that nickname ever again " Billy warned Stu as he just earned a laugh from Stu. " Or what...doll? " Stu said with a slight smirk and Billy hit him in the head. " Wtf Billy I probably lost some braincells! " Stu said and Billy looked shocked at that " You have braincells? Thats a surprise " and laughed and Stu just rolled his eyes.


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