chapter two

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on his way home that night, after tinkering with jisung's wand and carefully packaging the flower to take with him, minho stopped by his parent's place. if he wanted to get more of the flowers jisung was searching for, it was going to be ten times faster if his mom used her magic to get him there; she was wary though, and minho couldn't blame her, but the tension in her shoulders eased up a bit when she too noticed the charm placed on the flower.

"are you sure this mage isn't pretending to be clumsy and foolish?" she queried, tracing the cerulean petals delicately with the tip of her finger. minho watched in awe as he could almost see a shimmer chase after her finger before fading away. "this is an extremely difficult spell to cast, minho- even i am unable to cast it. either this kid isn't aware of his own power or is up to no good."

minho shook his head. even though he couldn't see jisung's aura, something in him told him that he could trust jisung with his entire being (though he didn't mention the lack of aura, as that would have only made his mother find the boy even more suspicious). "mom trust me- i've been around jisung for only ten minutes and that's more than enough time to find out that i don't think he's capable of planning anything in this detail." his mom smiled at that. "i doubt he interacts with anyone enough to know his own strength. it's probably how he broke his wand," minho grumbled to himself, deep in thought about blonde mages and pink dust.

minho apparently wasn't the only one to come to this conclusion.

once his mom finally agreed to help him get the cerulean cosmos the next evening and after he had slept poorly throughout the night, minho had to wake up earlier than he originally planned to get ready for his trip before heading to the monthly "very much required" lunch his old acquaintances from high school had set up (they were really just a way for chan to keep in contact with his old friends, and minho ended up tagging along because he happened to be in the room when the arrangement was made). chan usually ended up paying for him, but this time minho declined. he had at least a little bit of extra spending money thanks to jisung - but what he didn't expect was for hyunjin to impose on his privacy until minho had to throw jisung under the bus because there was "no way minho had that much money so suddenly!" 

though it originally started with the others being upset that minho never told them about his shop, even though he was certain he had after hyunjin had complained about no good emporiums being open, the mage ended up being the chosen topic of conversation for that afternoon. and changbin had decided to vocalize his conspiracy theories about jisung - though much of it were just facts that seemed obvious to minho. hyunjin and felix disagreed though, so he ended up being overruled and forced to listen to things he could have told them already anyway.

"okay but hear me out-" changbin started, which seemed to catch felix's attention in the form of two raised eyebrows. "not that kind of hear me out, but hear me out! this jisung guy has probably only ever been taught how to control magic if you're a completely ordinary spellcaster, which obviously isn't going to go over as well with someone who is as powerful as he likely is, and that's why he keeps breaking his shit!" changbin slammed his hand on the table when he was done speaking, as if he had made some monumental discovery about the universe. felix and chan seemed to agree though, though one was nodding more fervently than the other.

minho picked his drink up to start chewing on the straw when hyunjin shook his head and started to speak up. hyunjin was usually the one speaking in exaggerated movements and recommending the craziest shit out of all of them - minho could only imagine what he could possibly come up with about jisung from what little he knew. "that could be true but what if jisung's a master of the dark arts? but like, using it for bad, y'know? what if jisung's evil?"

he nearly choked on his own spit. jisung and evil in the same sentence? minho knew he was insane to be speaking based on five minutes of interaction, but even felix huffed at hyunjin's dramatic theory - typically felix was the main person enabling hyunjin's antics, which caught minho off-guard for a brief second.

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