Funky Friday rematch!

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Ominous's pov: I was the one driving since Lego was still a minor and I had my license and he had a permit and needed to still ride with me or another adult sometimes because of his permit. "Hey Lego! Ready for our rematch?" I asked, Lego was staring off into space so I hit him in the arm to make him pay attention to me.

"Yeah- I am! Sorry- I was zoning out" Lego replied, nudging me back in the arm as payback for hitting him in the arm, I laughed at him for that since it was pretty funny of him.

"I'm also ready- well we are here now so we better go not leave the hosts waiting! Liv is also hosting this time and she is very impatient so we need to go" I urged, getting out of the car, holding his hand so we didn't get lost at all.

"Good idea- with the hand holding" Lego suddenly says, his yellow eyes glow in the studio's light and I admire them when they are like that so I couldn't help but stare!

"I know" I replied, flipping my messy black hair and taking off my mask subtly since I didn't feel like wearing it anymore really. My blue eyes shined in the studio's light and I caught Lego staring a few times which I was alright with since we were the platonic lovers of season 3. Also known as beat duo and the beat duo rises again with the rematch!

"Hey Liv!" Lego exclaimed once he saw her, her pink and brown hair was in pigtails today for the battle, looking kinda like IBella's in a way but not really since she looked way different then Bella but still had about the same brown hair and brownish hazel eyes as her.

"Hey Lego and Ominous! You two ready for your rematch?" Liv asked, we both replied with a "Yes" and a nod of our heads, Russo was holding Liv's hand in a platonic sort of way so I guessed that they were platonic lovers like us since Russo was already married with Meg right now.

"Good! Because the audience is almost all here!" Liv exclaimed, also holding hands with Sabrina which I just noticed, Sabrina was holding hands with Dj and as the audience began appearing one by one the cameras turned on and the show officially began.

The hosts raised their fists high in the air, their hands all intertwined with each others, Mine and Lego's were the same way and we all let out a celebratory scream since everything was right again... for now anyways!

"Let's start! JUDGES!" Russo screamed his iconic line as everyone except the audience got teleported into Funky Friday the place where Lego and I were gonna rematch for who gets the current Funky Friday crown.

Sabrina was sitting on a speaker next to Dj and they were talking about taking over the simulator world, getting distracted but us starting snapped them out of that talk and made them watch how this rematch was gonna turn out.

"First and second match is just a 1v1, third and final match is parkour to find Liv at the end!" Dj explained the rules and that, letting us start, Dj picked a fair song and we both began singing the song turn by turn. I of course won the first round since I was pretty good at the game and already practiced with this song before in my videos .

"Gg Ominous! Let's go again!" Lego exclaimed

"Your on! Lego brick" I replied with a laugh

"Your on as well! I can try to win this time!" Lego replied, smiling a wide smile at me, his eyes still lighting up in the sun light, looking like yellow diamonds.

"Good luck with that! I'm a pro at this" I countered back at him as Sabrina picked the song this time, she picked Markov from Doki doki takeover which I didn't play this song so Lego might win this!

Lego was winning until I caught the lead but he caught up to me until we were both tied up in this song when there was a couple seconds left I let go of my arrow that I was clicking and... the chat announced that Lego has won.

"Good game! Now onto the final challenge, finding Liv around the map somewhere like Dj said, isn't that the challenge Dj?" I asked curiously, looking at his emerald green eyes.

"Yeah! Timer for ten minutes starts... NOW!" Dj yelled, me and Lego suddenly split up to look all over the map for her.

Lego's pov: Why is- this here? It looks like Evil Liv's scepter! Did something happen to Liv?- Maybe but I gotta keep looking for her but I only have 10 minutes so I gotta go quick!

"Liv! Liv! Are you anywhere around here?" I called, no answer but I heard cackling of some sort and it sounded exactly like who I thought it sounded like, it sounded like Evil Liv. Even if both Liv and Evil Liv's voices are similar I cannot be fooled by them at all.

"It's just- me" Evil Liv admitted, revealing her hiding spot, glass was shattered all over the place so I guessed that she was hiding from- someone and I guessed that she may have been hiding from her nicer half Liv.

"Why is there glass everywhere?" I asked, looking directly at her for an answer, she just held a red bandana in her right hand and tied it around my wrist.

"What's this for?" I demanded an answer

"Framing you-" Evil Liv replied, crossing her arms, shattering yet another vase, she had two more lined up to smash but I just stood there in shock as she smashed them both with one swing of her scepter.

I just walked off not questioning a thing that she was doing, I kept looking for Liv but before I could continue looking Dj and Sabrina announced the winner already so I guess that Ominous found her first but he deserved the win.

"And the winner is... OMINOUS NEBULA!" Dj announced

"Congratulations Ominous!" Sabrina announced, following up Dj's announcement, my face froze but unfroze when we got back to the studio since I was proud of my best friend.

At least Evil Liv didn't do something- that bad to me like turn me into stone or a frog like Liv expressed before that she could do that to people. But she mainly turned her high school or school in general teachers into frogs when she was either jealous of them for one or they were helping Liv and not her. But enough with the school talk why did Evil Liv say "Framing you-" Is this- one of Liv's prized possessions? Maybe-

But she didn't see that I had it- not yet anyways which was good on my part since I didn't want Liv to blame me for something that her evil twin sister did.

I wanted to put the blame on Evil Liv and that's exactly what I will do when Liv finds out that I have one of her prized possessions.

(Word count: 1199)

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