When Breaking Rules Goes Right

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Soon enough, three weeks had passed, and October was rapidly approaching.

Estella had settled into a routine at this point. Lessons would occur, and she'd hang out with Ron and Harry during the day and into the afternoon, but an hour before dinner, Hermione and she would hang out by the lake.

"Typical, just what I've always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy," Harry complained, putting his head in his hands.

Three weeks into the year, the first-year Gryffindors had been informed of their upcoming flying lessons that would occur on Thursday. Now, this would be exciting news, but they had found out that they would have the lesson with the Slytherins. Estella, unlike Harry and Ron, didn't mind a lot of them. Regina Goldman was her potions partner in the last lesson, and she was lovely. It was worse because it meant they had an extra class with Draco Malfoy. One lesson was too much; now they had two! The trio wasn't pleased.

"Don't worry, Harry; you'll be great," Estella smiled reassuringly at the boy. "You'll forget all about Malfoy the second you feel the wind in your hair." Harry didn't miss the far-off look in her eyes like she was looking back on a fond memory. Free, that's what Estella had told him what flying felt like, and he wanted more than anything to experience that, but at the same time, if it went wrong, Malfoy would never let him live it down.

When letters arrived that Thursday morning, Harry wasn't surprised to see another joke on some parchment from Estella.

The amused smile that would make its way onto Harry's face every morning was the reason Estella had carried on the tradition.

It felt wrong to sit there opening letters and packages while Harry didn't have anything.

Confetti flew everywhere before slowly falling onto the wooden table. Estella laughed as much of the confetti from her package ended up in Harry's already messy hair. Harry ruffled it, trying to get some out.

Inside the package, there was a note:

Hope you're enjoying school, Molly and I are enjoying life in the sun.
-Love, Mum.

Inside was a picture of her mother and Molly Weasley drinking nettle wine, and next to them was Ginny, who seemed to be munching on a jam sandwich. All three were on a picnic blanket in the field between the Burrow and the cottage.

"Think our mums are having fun," Estella laughed, handing the moving photo to Ron. "This is ridiculous. They didn't do this with us while we were waiting to be at Hogwarts." Ron huffed. "Ron, my mother and I had picnics all the time. Besides, it's only fair they spend lots of time with Ginny. She has to spend the whole year without us." Estella hated how upset Ginny had been when she realized that she had to wait a whole year for her Hogwarts letter.

Harry took a peek at the picture and noticed how alike Estella looked to her mother. They had the same chestnut hair and nose. The only difference seemed to be their eye colour. While Caroline's were a mousy brown, Estella's glistened a blue-silver colour.

Their conversation was cut short when they saw Draco Malfoy snatch Neville's rememberall out of his hands. The trio stood up, ready to defend their friend. However, Professor McGonagall quickly stepped in, and Draco gave back the magical object before sulking away, but not before he sneered at the trio of Gryffindors.

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