New Friend (and Snape's a bitch)

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They say first impressions are important. Unfortunately for Hermione Granger, she had made a bad one for her dorm mates. She had woken up them all three hours before classes because she wanted to make sure they were ready. Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patel had sent glares her way as she started talking to them all at five am. Already in her uniform, she had started telling them that they all should get in some early reading before classes started.

That's how the bushy-haired girl ended up locked out of the dorm by six am her books had been thrown out with her. Safe to say she hadn't made a good first impression. Tearing up slightly she gathered her books into her bag and was about to walk away when she heard the door open. Standing there was Estella Lupin, the girl who had actually spoken to her instead of looking at her annoyed yesterday.

"Ignore them they must be night owls, I on the other hand have always been a morning person." Estella sent the girl a smile. She'd lied through her teeth, Estella was her mother's daughter and therefore tended to love the night when the stars shone the brightest rather than the early rising sun but she had thought Lavender and Parvarti had been cruel even if she too was slightly annoyed by the early wake-up call. Ron had already labelled her as a know-it-all and Lavender and Pavarti now agreed with him, poor Hermione had been scared she wouldn't make any friends.

luckily for Hermione, Estella had been taught that labels meant nothing. Just because you are smart doesn't mean you are a know-it-all, like how being a werewolf didn't make you a monster.

Hermione felt much happier and there were no tears in sight. Estella was also dressed in her uniform, her robe unlike her own was slightly too big for her, she figured this was so the girl could grow into it.

Estella's old brown bag was slung over her shoulder and she seemed to tip slightly due to the weight of the bag. "I hear the black lake is a very peaceful place to read, that's where my uncle would go to study when he didn't want to go to the library or when it was closed."

A Chorus of laughter had caught McGonagall's attention on her casual morning walk around Hogwarts school grounds. Nostalgia flooded her mind as she saw Hermione Granger and Estella Lupin sitting by an old tree just by the lake's edge, the same tree Caroline Lupin and Pandora Rosier had claimed as their hang-out spot all those years ago. It was rare for the old woman to smile nowadays but the sight had brought a smile to her face. Like mother like daughter, she thought before continuing her walk.


Estella quickly found out that she had a knack for Transfiguration and Astronomy. Now she had expected Astronomy as her mother had taught her a lot about it. Transfiguration was another story, she had never really talked about it with her mother or uncle. Of course, she knew McGonagall from the MANY stories her mother and her uncle Remus had told her. (Mary had shared some inappropriate ones about how McGonagall had once caught her and another student by the name of Evelyn Zabini in the broom closet)

In their first lesson, McGonagall had made it clear she wasn't a teacher to be messed with and talked about how transfiguration could be very dangerous and anyone misbehaving would never be allowed to return. First, she dazzled the first years by turning her desk into a pig before turning it back again. Many were gutted to hear that they would not be turning anything into a pig any time soon. Harry had struggled with Transfiguration in his first lesson as had the majority of the class, however, Hermione Granger and Estella Lupin were the only ones successful in turning a match into a needle.

"How did you do that!" Ron had exclaimed to his friend his eyes wide with shock. Estella shrugged before sharing a look with Hermione who was sitting on the row across they both sent each other friendly smiles.

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