I placed the note down and got up slowly but winced from the pain.


I slipped into black biker shorts and a black sports bra. I already brushed my teeth and washed my face, don't worry.

I have a hair appointment to get my hair braided in knotless today because I'm tired of managing my natural hair.

Also I want to go visit Mia at the dance studio and try to get back into dancing as well. Maybe I can practice in the basement. I'll have to speak with Rex about that.

I slipped in my black sneakers before walking down the stairs to see Rex with no shirt grabbing a water bottle.

He was sweaty and had a towel wrapped around his neck as his hair flowed over his forehead.

I reached the bottom of the stairs getting his attention making him look over at me with a small smile.

"Finally awake sleepy head." He said as he placed his voss water bottle down and bit his bottom lip.

"Oh shut it." I giggled as I approached him. "I didn't think you were going to be sleep that long so your breakfast got cold but I can quickly cook you something?" He asked as he tilted his head.

"I'm fine but thank you, I'll just grab something on the way out." I gave a smile and he looked away as he licked his lips slowly.

"Are you saying that because your afraid that I can't cook?" He said as he tilted his head at me piercing his blue eyes down at me.

"Kind of." I said as I looked up at him making him chuckle out. "Im Italian, bambina. I can cook." He softly said and turned his back towards me showing me all the scratches I've done to him yesterday.

They looked painful.

"What do you want?" He asked as he looked through the fridge. "Anything." I said as I sat on the chair and got on my phone to text my mother.

He hummed as I heard pots gently being rummaged through.

"I have a hair appointment at 12 and I'm thinking about going to the dance studio afterwards to do some dancing." I mentioned as I looked up at him and he nodded his head.

"I was thinking maybe I can use the basement to dance? If it's okay with you?" I hesitated to ask.

"Yeah, I just have to move some things around and it's all yours." He smiled as he looked back at me.

I've noticed he smiles more when I'm around him at home but when we're out he acts just the way he looks... intimidating. "Thank you Rex." I softly said and he nodded.

"You smile a lot now." Breaking the silence as I messed with my ring and my bracelets. "I don't." He murmured as he grabbed a glass plate and placed the red tomato pasta.

"Yes you do." I said bluntly as a small smile crept on his face. "See!" I pointed out as he couldn't hold his smile anymore.

"When you have happiness in your life you can't help but smile." He deeply said as he slid the plate over to me and then the fresh parmesan.

I looked down not wanting to look him in the eyes because I was flustered out of this world. I'm his happiness.

"Thank you." I quietly said and took a bite of the pasta. Different flavors I've never tried erupted in my mouth.

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