That's when Heather started to grab Becca's hair and started to "punch her"

Looked more like slapping but whatever

"Oh shit!!"Brandt shouts

"Look Alex your girl"Dustin laughs while Alex shakes his head

Becca grabbed Heathers hair and pulled her to the ground and while Becca did that heather took Becca with her and now they were pulling and slapping each other on the ground

Anna and Maya were watching like this wasn't their fault

That's when a teacher came out and ended up pulling apart Becca and Heather

Sooner or later me, Connie, Heather, Becca, Jess, Maya,and Anna were in the office

"Why would you fight?"The principal asked looking at Becca and Heather

They were talking over each other so know one could understand what they were saying

"Stop!One at a time"He shouted

"She is like telling everyone my secrets"Heather rolls her eyes

"Well you called me a pig"Becca shouts back

"I did not!Anna did!"Heather says

"Anna?"The principal looked at Anna

"I'm sorry!I don't want detention!"She says with a pouty face

"Tell me how this happened"He asked

"It started with community service......."Anna explained

"All of you detention tomorrow !"He says opening his door to let us out

"We didn't even get to explain"I say

"No need out!"He shouts

"Fuck you"Connie mumbles as she walks out

At home

As I walk in to my house not expecting anyone I hear someone's voice

"Where were you!"My mom shouts

"At school..."I say a bit confused as why she's talking when she leaves whenever she wants

"School gets out at 3:00 it's 4:00!"She shouts

"Well maybe I have to walk home!"I yell back

"I can't believe this your whoreing around!"She says

"What?!"I say

"Who?..Who is it?"

"Why are you acting like this your never like this?"I ask

"Tell me right now"She yells

"You met someone didn't you"I roll my eyes

I knew she met someone I just it would be someone nice but the way she's acting that means he treats her like shit

"Go to your room!"Right when she says that a random guy comes through the front door

"I'm hungry go make me a sandwich"He says walking past me and to the living room while my mom goes to the kitchen

If a guy ever told me that you best believe I'm dragging him

I scoff and walk out of the house

As I walk to the park I feel someone behind me

A guy then puts his hand on my shoulder causing me to turn around and kick him in his nuts

Then I realize it's just Alex

"Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't know it was you"I say

"Your um good"He says trying to hide the pain

"Here"I grab his hand to take him to go sit down

"You sure you good?"I ask feeling bad

"For sure"He nods "what's up with you?"

"Nothing but my mom was acting hella weird like she has never acted that way before and all of a sudden she usually doesn't care but it's whatever"I say

"Oh shit what happened?"

"Nothing but what about you?"I ask trying to change the subject

"Nothing just don't really want to be home"He says

"Twins"I bump his shoulder

"So...after school"He laughs a bit

"Nah that was crazy like Becca and Heather fighting"I say

"Ok but her cheating on me with her cousin is crazy"

"Weirdo"I laugh

"What happened after school?"He asks

"Nothing I have detention though and I didn't even do anything"I say

"That sucks ok but who do you think won"He asks

"Honestly Becca but they both like suck at fighting"I laugh

"Honestly yeah"He says

"Oh shit I got to go,need me to walk you home though?"He asks

"Your good"I smile

"Bye"we both say before walking away from each other

I went home to find my mom yet again gone

Better for me

A/N:So this one was yet again short it's just cause my spring break ended and I have school so yeah but I'll probably publish another episode on Friday or something

Also this is proof read so don't mind that

Word Count : 1068

Besties - Alex Nolan (PEN15)Where stories live. Discover now