||Chapter 7||Movie night||

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||Sonic's POV||

I quickly left Amy's house. I felt kinda bad for raising my voice like that. I should probably apologise later. But for now, I just wanted to get back to my shack. I ran back home and went inside. "Hey Shadow, I'm ba-" I began but stopped myself. Shadow wasn't here. I began to panic slightly. Where had he gone?.
"I'm over here" I heard his voice outside. I turned around and saw Shadow sitting on one of the beach chairs in front of the sea. "Oh, your there" I said walking up to him. "Wanted a change of scenery" he said. "Ah, okay". I sat down on a chair next to his. I twiddled my thumbs for a bit, before asking him "Why'd you hit Tails?". He looked at me. "Because the fox broke my ankle, I needed to get him back for it". I suppose that makes sense, still was uncalled for though! "Well, because of it. The others know that your here. And that we're friends. But they think your faking it. Your not faking this, right Shadow.?" I asked him, slightly nervous for his reply. He shook his head "I'm not, I'm finding it hard to come to terms with myself but.. I actually do enjoy your company.." He mumbled most of it, probably he didn't want me to hear it. I did feel my cheeks flush again. I was already resting my head in my hands though, so my cheeks were covered. I don't know why this keeps happening. "Thanks Shadow, it means a lot coming from you" I nudged his shoulder in a playful way. I saw him smile slightly, "You won't be getting any more compliments like that so don't be expecting any more.." he said. I chuckled slightly.

We both turned our gaze to the Sun, it had probably just risen a few hours ago so it wasn't anything special. "Oh, I nearly forgot to ask. How's your ankle? It must be better if you were able to get here" I asked him. "It's a lot better, though still a little painful. I should be fine to sleep elsewhere though" He said. "Nono! It's okay, I want to make sure your ankle is completely healed before you go back to that cave!" I explained. "Well.. okay if you insist, just one more night then" He said. I smiled, but then suddenly a thought hit me, had Shadow had anything to eat? I don't remember giving him any food.. "Hey Shadow, have you had anything to eat lately?" I asked him. "Hm, no I haven't. I suppose I forgot" he said. "You must be starving! I can get you some food if you really need it" I told him. "That would be appreciated, now that I think about it I am rather hungry" He said. I got up "I'll be right back with something soon" I quickly sped off.

Now what should I get him. I don't think mehburger would be to his liking.. so maybe I could have a look in a few shops. I browsed around and then picked out some sandwiches and chocolate bars. This should be enough for him to snack on every so often. I was about to head home but then I bumped into a certain pink hedgehog. "Oh, hey Sonic" Amy said, her voice a lot less 'nice' sounding. "Heyy, Amy. I want to apologise about how I acted before. I was kinda a jerk" I said. "Kinda? You yelled at us and left. But.. I do appreciate your apology. So I forgive you" She smiled warmly. Phew, a large weight of guilt was lifted from my shoulders. "Well, I gotta go, Amy. Cya later!" I said waving then speeding off.

I got back to Shadow and sat back in my chair. "Here, I grabbed a bunch of stuff you can snack on whenever your hungry" I said handing him the bag. He took it and began eating one of the sandwiches "appreciated" He said. I smiled. It was probably now around midday as the sun was above us. "I'm gonna go talk to Tails, see what he's up to. See you later Shadz" I said standing up. "Bye" He replied. I left to Tails workshop. He was scribbling down some rough blueprints. "Hey buddy" I said. "Sonic! Hey" he replied. Tails showed me a few of his blue prints and the machine he was working on to fix Shadows ankle. He's pretty much nearly finished it now! "You should probably take a break, don't want you to outwork yourself, how about we play volleyball by my place?" I suggested. "Oh, sure!" He replied. We went back to my shack but as we were about to get there Tails stopped in his tracks. "Shadows still here?" He asked me, his voice trembling slightly. "Yeah, I'm letting him stay here until he's fully healed" I answered. "We can't play here, Shadow hates me! I don't think he wants to see me" Tails backed away slightly. "Hey it's fine, don't worry about it, he's not gonna do anything" I reassured him. He hesitated but eventually began walking again. "Hey Shadz! I'm back" I exclaimed. "Shadz-? Is that a nickname" Tails asked me. I chuckled "yeah, at first he'd complain and tell me to stop, but he's stopped correcting me now" I smiled. "Oh, you've brought the fox" Shadow said as he saw us both. "I-I'm just here to play volleyball with Sonic, I don't wanna pick I fight!" Tails said nervously. Shadow nodded and rested his back against the chair. I saw Tails seem to relax a bit. We then began to play Volleyball.

A few hours passed and the Sun began to set. Tails decided to head back to his home. I was gonna head there when I felt a bit more tired. I yawned and sat back in the beach chair near Shadow. "Congrats on the win" he said. "Hah, thanks.." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, or if he was genuinely congratulating me for beating Tails in volleyball. "We should probably head in, it's getting late. Do you wanna watch a movie? I rented 'Chao In Space II' we could watch that" I suggested. "Hm, sure why not" Shadow said. I helped him back to my shack then we both sat on my sofa.

I grabbed some popcorn and then put the movie on. Throughout the movie I heard Shadow yawning, the guy must be tired. But then.. what must've been around a quarter through the movie I suddenly felt pressure on my shoulder. I turned to look. Shadow had fallen asleep ON MY SHOULDER. I froze for a few seconds.
Oh god- what do I do. I don't wanna wake him.. but- do I just let him sleep like this?? I felt my face heat up. There it was again. I kept thinking but I didn't know what to do in this situation! Maybe he'd wake up before the end of the movie? I just had to hope..

The movie ended. And nope, Shadow was still asleep. Agh- maybe.. I should just let him sleep like this? It would be rude of me to wake him up. I can't believe I'm doing this..
I settled on just letting Shadow sleep.
I tried staying awake so when he does wake up, I could go to Tails' but.. that failed. I was extremely tired. I yawned and felt my eye lids getting heavy. I gave in, and just let myself fall asleep. What's the worst that could happen.
Hi!! Hope you liked the chapter! It was fun to write!  Not sure how long I can keep up this daily upload schedule but I'll try my best for now!Byee!

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