||Chapter 6|| The truth about things||

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||Tails' POV||

The sun was setting as I sat in my shack. Sonic was staying the night again to let Shadow sleep in his hammock. I was sat at my desk whilst he was reading a comic on my sofa. I was writing in my journal. I like to note down what happens during my day to reflect on events. I only started doing it recently. But this was todays entry.

June 8th 2023
Today I woke up at 8:15 and began cooking breakfast. Sonic had stayed the night as I had discussed in my previous entry. So today I was cooking for two instead of one. After Sonic finished eating he quickly left to go for a run. But I knew he was going to check on Shadow. I'm not sure why he's suddenly caring so much about him. I know it's not like Sonic is suddenly going to become 𝙱𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳𝚂 with Shadow. I mean, I'm his 𝙱𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙳. Right? It's always been like that. Do I sound jealous? I'm not jealous, I just don't want to be replaced. Especially not by Shadow. THAT GUY HATES ME! I don't trust him one bit!
But... then again... I did break his ankle so.. I shouldn't be mad at him. But whatever. The rest of the day went as usual: I worked on the invention to fix Shadows ankle, drew a few blue prints for new machine ideas, an Eggman attack but then, after that..       look, I know I shouldn't spy on people. But Sonic declined an invite to mehburger because he was "busy". I had a feeling by 'busy' he meant he wanted to check on Shadow. And.. I may.. have used a spy cam devise to watch their conversation.. I KNOW ITS WRONG! But I was curious.. They we're having a serious conversation, talking about emotions and stuff. And then I saw something, I had to re watch the footage but I swear I saw Sonic blush!! It was so odd! Sonic doesn't like like Shadow right? He may like him as a friend but not like LIKE. Right?! Shadow has only ever hurt me and the others. Yeah he's been nice to Sonic but he's still been a jerk to the others!
I shouldn't judge Sonic for who he likes, heck.. he might even not like Shadow and I'm just being overprotective because Sonic.. well.. he's like a brother to me. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. Ughhh. I should just forget about this and go to sleep. It's getting late. Even Sonic's stopped reading his comic and went to bed. I'll end the entry here.
- - -

I closed my journal and sighed, thinkings about things. I was really worried that Shadow might replace me.. he is more powerful than me after all. I walked over to my bed and lay down eventually falling asleep.

I woke up the next days, Sonic was gone. Assuming he's gone back to his Shack. Or maybe to Amy's for breakfast? I got up and went to his shack. He wasn't there, but Shadow was. I saw him sitting up in Sonic's hammock staring outside. I quickly tried to leave before he saw me but.. "Hey you, fox boy" Shadows said. I slowly turned to look at him "yeah.?" I said, my voice cracking slightly. "Have you found out how to fix my knee yet?" He asked, it sounded aggressive.. "I haven't, at least not yet, I think I've nearly got it though" I told him. He nodded, then  stood up and walked over to me limping slightly on his bad ankle. I stared at him. And then he punched me. "OW!" I yelled stumbling back slightly. "That's for the ankle" he said glaring at me. "Now leave" he said stumbling back to Sonic's hammock. I grasped where he had hit me in pain, maybe I did deserve that but that was still RUDE of him! I quickly took my leave.

I went over to Amy's, and just as I thought, everyone was here. I sat at Amy's table where everyone else was eating. "Late night?" Amy asked. "No" I said and removed my hand from my bruise. "Woah! Your cheek!" Sonic exclaimed. "What happened? Did the robots in your lab finally turn on you! I hate to say I told you so, but, I told you so" Sticks said. "It wasn't the robots, it was Shadow.." I said timidly. "Shadows back?!" Amy yelled. "We gotta stop him before he does whatever he's here to do" Knuckles said. I looked at Sonic, he looked nervous. "M-maybe he was just passing by?" Sonic said. "Yeah right, that's doesn't sound like Shadow" Amy scoffed. Okay.. maybe I shouldn't have told everyone it was Shadow, my bad.. "Sonic, at the mention of Shadow you suddenly seem nervous. Got something to tell us?" Amy interrogated. Amy's what you call the 'therapist friend' she can tell when something off. "Whaaat, pfft- noo" Sonic said, his voice cracking slightly. Amy looked unimpressed. "It's a long story" Sonic suddenly blurted out. "Basically, Shadows injured and I helped, because it was partially my fault. And now we're kindaaa, friends" He said. Everyone was just staring at him, in disbelief. "Your joking" Sticks finally said, breaking the long period of silence. Sonic shook his head. "I dunno Sonic, it sounds kinda fishy. What if Shadows just faking. It could be some sort of plan!" Amy said. "It's not!" Sonic said loudly, standing up quickly slamming a hand on a table. This was weirdly aggressive for him.
Sonic looked slightly shocked at himself. "I'm sorry, but, Shadow is finally being nice. He's acting different. And it's not fake! I know it's not!" He said, his voice slowly growing quieter. "As much as I'd like to think that, it doesn't seem likely" I said. Sonic was silent for a bit, until he said "I'm gonna go, thanks for breakfast Amy" his tone of voice was quite sad.

I felt quite bad for him, the conversation I overheard last night seemed really genuine. But Shadow still can't be trusted! But.. I gotta leave this to Sonic. Let him decide if he's making the right choice..

Hello again! Hopefully this chapter was enjoyable! I may do another chapter in this style, with a chunk of it being a Tails diary entry! Anyways! Bye for now!

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