Chapter Six: Friends Always

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The next morning

"Izuku are you ready?" Inko asks.

"Yeah I guess..." Izuku mumbles.

"Come on bud it's not that bad." Hisashi says.

"For you maybe" Izuku says then walks out of the house.

Hisashi sighs and follows Izuku with Inko behind him. They get into the car and heads to Izuku's school to see Katsuki and Momo once more before they leave for good. They pulls up to Izuku's school to see Katsuki and Momo walks up to the school about to head in. Izuku gets out the car and runs up to them. 

"Kat! Momo!" Izuku yells"

They two kids look back at Izuku to see him running up to them.

"I thought you were moving?" Katsuki asks.

"I am, but I wanted to see you two again before I go." Izuku says.

"Did you want to see the both of us or just Momo?" Katsuki asks annoyed.

"Matter of a fact, if you gonna act like that I'll just hug Mo goodbye and leave without say bye to you" Izuku says.

Katsuki scoffs then hugs Izuku.

"Your a jerk sometimes" Katsuki says pulling away from the hug.

"Tell me something I don't know." Izuku says then looks at Momo.

Katsuki also looks at Momo to see she's crying. 

"Emotional much?" Katsuki says.

Izuku pushes Katsuki away and pulls Momo into a hug. She hugs back and Katsuki stands there getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"Okay break it up!" Katsuki yells.

"She was my friend before you Kat I can hug her as long as I want." Izuku says.

"Don't you have to get on a plane grass for brains?!" Katsuki yells.

Izuku sighs then holds out his hand.

"Until the next time we meet." Izuku says.

Katsuki grabs Izuku's hand and smiles.

"Yeah." He says.

Izuku turns back to Momo and smiles at her.

"When I get back I want to see you stronger and better. Deal?" Izuku says.

"Deal" Momo says smiling.

Izuku leans closer to Momo's ear.

"Hey, I want you to take my role and keep Katsuki in his place." Izuku whispers in her ear.

"I will Izuku" Momo says.

Hisashi honks the horn signaling Izuku that he needs to hurry up. Izuku sighs in annoyance then smiles at his friends.

"Friends, Always right?" Izuku asks.

"Always" Momo says.

"Yeah" Katsuki says.

Izuku sighs then turn away from them.

"I'll be back before you know it! Just wait for me you two." Izuku says then runs back to his car.

Momo and Katsuki watches Izuku runs to his car and the car pulls off. They stand there until the car is no longer to be seem then decides to go to class. They walk to class without a work spoken between them. They walks to their separate classes. Katsuki gets to his class and most were surprised he walked in alone.

"Good morning Katsuki, where's Izuku?" The teacher asks.

Katsuki grits his teeth and balls up his fists holding back tears.

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