Chapter two

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The principle was looking around the school for me. "Cole Reign please report to my office." He said over the intercom. I put on my hoodie and held my head down. "Cole?" Casey asked grabbing my arm. "Shh. Something happened. Something bad. Very bad." I continued, "My hands caught fire and it burned Ms. Angel's dress." Casey looked at me in disbelief. "It's happening. Get Nick. We have to leave! Now!" I had no idea what she was talking about but I did what she told me. Nick was standing on the side of the school, playing with some rocks. "Nick we have to go!" I said. "Where?" Asked Nick as I grabbed him. "Ask Casey! She knows!" We all the started to walk off from our class to the office. "Cole! In my office now!" Yelled the principle. Casey and Nick just looked at me and I left. Walking in, Ms. Angel was sitting in one of the chairs. "What did you do to her?" Asked the principle. "Well Mr. Axe, she tried to have intercourse with me and I kept my lighter in my hand, accidentally burning her dress." I said, putting down my lighter I actually had. "Liar! Your- your hands were on fire! There was a faint ball of fire forming in your hands!" Screamed Ms. Angel. Mr. Axe looked at her and then pushed me out of the room. Casey and Nick were at the front desk, talking to the lady. "Yes we need to check out." Casey said as something started to wrap around her leg. I walked over to her and whispered I her ear; "What is on your leg?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. "It's my pet." At that moment, the lady got us all checked out. We walked out of the school, walking to Nick's truck. He had just bought it a few days prior for his birthday. "You won't be needing that." Casey said. Within seconds a lightning bolt hit her right in the chest. Zing! "Casey!" Screamed Nick. We ran over to where she was and started to shake her. "It's no use. He's here." Nick said as he grabbed some rocks. "Who's here?" I asked, trying to heat up my hands. Nick looked at me and just said one word: "Duck." Just then, a man with white hair appeared in front of me. "What the-" The man swung a large knife at me as I did a flip under the knife. woosh! Woosh! Nick had throw a boulder the size of a trailer at the man. The weird thing was he didn't touch it. It seemed to float in the air but Nick was controlling it. "Jesus Christ!" I screamed. The man started to walk towards me, making a lightning bolt. "Stay away!" Nick yelled throwing another Boulder. The man stared at me and then hit me right in the neck with the bolt. Or at least tried. A fire-like force field formed around my body. "What the hell?" I got up and somehow formed a giant fire-ball in my left hand. "You made a big, big mistake." I threw the ball of fire at him and he vanished into thin air. "Let's get out of here! Get Casey!" Nick yelled as he jumped into the truck. I took her, put her in the bed of the truck and, told Nick to start driving.
"What was that?!" I asked Nick as we got out at his house. "I don't know man! I didn't even know we were masters!" I looked at him, confused. "Masters?" I said in a question-like way.
"I've said too much. Get Casey."
"Wait wait wait! What do you mean masters?!"
"We- we can control an element and you, you are the one he has been looking for."
"The man in the suit! Rey Trimmer!" I knew those names from stories I had heard from my mother. Nick ran his hand threw his red hair and his eyes were turning black. "What's happening?" Rocks were forming around him. "Cole! Help! Use your power!" He screamed. I heated my hand and punched the rocks. Nothing. I hit it again. Still nothing. "C'mon!" The rocks were sticking to Nick's arm like jelly. At that moment, Casey walked in and broke the rocks into pieces just by looking at them. I looked at her standing on the stairs. "How did- and he was-" I was stumbling over my words. "Yeah yeah I know. I was hoping you wouldn't find out." Casey said. I walked over to her; "Hoping I wouldn't find out?! I can shoot fire from my body!" I screamed, snapping on her. She lifted me by my throat. "Look Cole! You, me and Nick are the Masters that Rey is looking for. We need to leave town." I looked at her with a frown. Casey put me down and looked depressed. "They are gonna try to kill us. Their is nothing we can do about it." Nick and I looked at her in awe. We were going to die regardless. The man who attacked us wasn't far behind.

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