"Lou?" his mum called out, peeping slightly through the parted doors. She gaped at him, from his feet to the stray hairs above his head, scanning if Louis really was there, that she wasn't exactly hallucinating like she thought she was. A few more minutes of scrutiny, she came shuffling in for a second, and coming back out with Louis' backpack, and a full sandwich by the hand. "You're late." she silently murmured, handing him both the sandwich and knapsack by both hands.

Louis nodded, and just slugged his bag over his shoulders, and headed for the bus stop. This wasn't anything new to Louis, so he wasn't surprised in the slightest of his mum's lack of concern towards his physical health. Heck, she wouldn't even mind if Louis was missing. She wouldn't care he thought silently, and she never will.


"Sir, he has taken the bait." Synthia announced emotionlessly. Zayn gave her a curt nod, seeing her off as she headed out the door within the matter of seconds. Zayn heaved out a huge sigh, and leaned back on his chair. "How interesting." he murmured silently to himself. Never has Zayn ever witnessed in years such a worth-while situation. Harry's never been the one to escape at will, so this is definitely something new. Definitely enigmatic.

He was actually tempted to leave his office for some observation time, and start checking back with the two, but, Zayn knew better, no matter how much curious he felt inside, he couldn't get himself to actually follow through his action. He had been the one to report in Harry's escape, but it's not like he cared in the slightest. Harry was just definitely one of many, but the rarest among all. But he's sure he'll find another.

Zayn's throat itched slightly, and he brought the fresh cup of coffee into his lips, hissing at how cold it has gotten. His hands fumbled with the buttons, and the door whipped open within seconds. "Yes sir?" the brunette smiled slightly, as she moved closer to Zayn's table as he motioned her forward with his index finger. "Get me another coffee." Zayn instructed, and the girl nodded, turning slightly for the door. "Oh, and get me the files to Mr. Tomlinson please."


Her heels came to a stop, and she looked at him wide-eyed, and obviously surprised by his request. Zayn cocked his head to the side amusingly. "Is there something wrong... Ms... Calder?" he purred, analyzing her with a slight smirk on his lips. A shudder ran through Eleanor, and she shook her head fearfully. Why was Louis being dragged into all this once more? Was it something important? And moreover, does it have something to do with Harry?


Zayn found it rather amusing to see such an amusing reaction. Clearly this Ms. Calder knew Louis, or Harry, that's why she acted that way. If his theory was correct, then maybe Eleanor could be of some use to Zayn, seeing as she looked trustworthy enough, to not say a word to the authorities about Zayn's little experiment, and if not, anything that can be placed in this world, can easily be taken out just as easy, and that's that.


The moment the transit appeared, I was rather reluctant. What if they'd hurt me again? Louis thought. What if they already planned his death?Louis knew he was over-exaggerating, but it felt like that at times, so... what can he do?

The driver gave a slight cough, snapping Louis out of his thoughts, and shook his head, slowly backing away from the transit doors, as it snapped to a close. Louis knew he shouldn't be doing this no more than twice a month, but he can't help it, he wasn't in the right mood to do so, and he most certainly not thinking about Harry right now.

He turned his heels, and started walking west towards the mini discovery he had found around 3 weeks ago. Believe it or not, Louis had something for books. It was something that anchored him to the ground, no matter how much he wanted to just simply drift away, and forget the problems he already has on his plate.

But then again, Louis thought if he his mum found out, and have gotten a phone call from the school's attendance office, wouldn't that at least be like a new reaction of some sort? Something new to learn about Louis. That he didn't have to do what she had said for him to do. Maybe now, she might think twice of disregarding her eldest child. No it isn't a tiny voice from Louis' head thought. But, he in fact already knew that to the extent, but it's worst than nothing.. right?

20 minutes of relentless walking, and pure and utter silence, Louis was below freezing, with his knees buckling slightly, and teeth chattering to the very max. And it was roughly half an hour later that he actually stopped, with the freezing temperature right by his back. Mrs. McGuire slid her glasses back up to the bridge of her nose as she sets her eyes on Louis with a bright, small smile, like she was actually excited to see him.

Louis mirrored her expression, and gave a tiny wave to the lady. Mrs. McGuire, and headed up the staircase to the library just upstairs. There, he got himself a comfortable chair, and took out a book he was currently reading, and shook his head, finding no comfort in it like he was used to. Though he seemed oddly cliché at the moment, Vampires in a way fascinated him, and there was particularly one relatable book that he can seemingly relate to, and as horrifying as it may sound, he had to read 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer.

Louis groaned inwardly as he started reading the prologue, and reluctantly deciding whether he should put it down or not. He blinked, wondering, debating with himself if he should. Mrs. McGuire arrived with tea minutes later, and Louis flushed as he started reading the first chapter, cursing why exactly he was born a girl at the moment, but took the awaiting cup anyways. "Thanks." he smiled, letting his thoughts drift to its world. Cliché or not he just had to.

Silently, as he read, some cold winter wind flew in, giving Louis shivers from down his spine. Now he's not sure if might be imagining it or not, but he swore he heard a slight chuckle taunting him like a sick joke saying 'You're such a teenage girl.' and Louis couldn't help but feel blood rise to his cheeks as he slid his bookmark in, and find another book for him to read cause frankly, he's no teenage girl.


Author's Note:

Sorry it's short, and frankly a little boring, but all I can say, is that this will get better over the duration of the chapters, so please stick with me, till we get into more drama and such in the future.

~Cam xoxox

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