The Next Best American Record.

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[Tape starts]

Rhiannon: Look, Billy hated the fact that Daisy changed his "great" song— but that was just because he thought the record label approved it. I mean when Daisy walked in the studio, Billy looked like he was gonna lose his shit.  [laughs]
Those two in the studio was something else.

༒ Rhiannon stood near Warren, everyone waiting for the person Teddy said he'd been working with, whom was also supposed to be on the new song Billy wrote.

Billy was visibly pissed while everyone was waiting in anticipation before an all-too-well auburn haired girl walked in. "Hi!"

"Daisy Jones, Billy Dunne." Teddy introduced the two to one another.

"Daisy?!" Rhiannon exclaimed, standing up straight from her original position to embrace her friend.

"Anna! It's been forever." Daisy said, kissing Rhiannon on her cheek.

"Definitely. I'm happy you're here though," Rhiannon expressed with a grin.

Billy scowled at the two, not knowing how Rhiannon was thrilled by this all. He must've been real dense if he thought Rhiannon wouldn't great her own friend.

Teddy went on about where Daisy and Billy would go while everyone else stood around, awaiting to introduce themselves.

"Could I have a glass of milk and a whiskey? Or just a whiskey, if you don't have milk— Or just a milk, if you don't have whiskey." Daisy asked.

Rhiannon: [smiles] She was something else.

The rest of the band, including Rhiannon, stood in the control room while Billy and Daisy were on mic getting ready to record.

Daisy was testing out her mic, trying to get to the right volume, almost as if she had never recorded before in her life. Which she hadn't.

"What? Has she never recorded before?" Graham asked.

"She's about to." Warren answered, intrigued with the scene happening right before his eyes as if it was a drama movie.

"Where are her pants?"

"Who cares." Rhiannon laughed at the small interaction.
"Shut up, you two." Karen grinned.

By this point they had started take one, everyone was watching intently at the two, making Daisy nervous.

She tapped on Billy saying, "Do we need the audience?"

"You mean the band?" Billy said as if it was obvious.

Eddie and Warren went back and before on this remark. "Let's just, um, give her some space, don't you think?" Karen asked the boys.

"I think you boys should go talk to Debbie girl out front. Her dress was super cute, ask her where she got it form for me please." Rhiannon added on.

"Debbie's working today? Oh, shit." Warren said as the three boys rushed out the room, Karen locking them out the moment they'd stepped out. Rhiannon gave the blonde girl a soft smile before turning back to Daisy, giving her a thumbs up.

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