Chapter 7

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I feel some of these chapter may be too long and I apologize.

But thank you for reading anyway


I avoided Sebastian for the next week. I know, it's a stupid Idea. But with my parents sneaking around and no doubt having the twins sneak around it wasn't worth the confrontation that would happen to me or Sebastian.

Marc had been my only family member who left. I had a stinking suspicion that my parents wouldn't leave until my birthday that I was hoping no one remembered.

I sat quietly listening to Professor Hecat explain the spell and a test that was coming up. It was rather hard to pay attention. Especially since any chance he got Sebastian would move his seat closer to mine.

The sound of chair scraping across the floor anything it wasn't extremely quiet was starting to get to Ominis. "Sebastian, you can go one class without pestering Ava." He hissed.

"But she's been ignoring me all week. I have to get in time when I can." Sebastian whispered back as if I wasn't right next to him.

I rolled my eyes and looked across the classroom to see Poppy and Natty trying not to laugh at the scene in front of them.

"Why don't we do a little sparing today before we go." Hecat looked especially giggle-y as she spun to face me. "One of my favorite spars were about two years ago and I would very much like a rematch.

Please don't say me and-

"Miss la Fey, Mr. Sallow. Up you go." All the students quickly stood before the tables started moving and the sparing table raised from the ground.

"Professor you are going to get Sebastian killed." A student spoke up worried.

Sebastian got on the table first before turning and reaching out a hand to help me get up. There were a couple ooo and aaa as I took his hand. "Shut it." Sebastian warned.

"Mr. Sallow will be fine." Hecat assure everyone. "Alright you two, protego, levioso and a basic cast only."

The crowd gave a, "awww," when they heard the spells we were allowed to use.

We both pulled out our wants as Sebastian smiled at me. "I have been wanting a rematch since our first fight. It's about high time I get my title back as best dualist." His smile became a mischievous smirk.

He knew what he was doing. He knew how competitive I got.

"You might regret saying that. Perhaps it's my turn to give you a proper Hogwarts welcome." I shot back to him as the crowd got more excited.

Professor Hecat looked at us both, "alright, begin."

Before I could even say anything Sebastian acted first, "Levioso!" He called making me fly up.

"Surprising." I mumbled tried to keep my balance.

"How's the view up there, darling?" He grinned looking up at me.

"Not bad, i have a great view of the spider on your shoulder." I lied making him quickly glance at his should dropping his focus on me so I could get down.

As soon as my feet were on the ground I threw a few basic casts at him making him back up so he was at the edge of the table.

Sebastian held his arms up at to try to steady himself from from falling off.

"Are you sure you didn't use magic for two years?" He asked shooting a basic cast on me that I deflected. I gave him a little smirk letting him realize he wasn't going to win the fight. "Oh come on."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now