Chapter 13: Diplomacy (2)

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"Oh... this is interesting. Can you say again the preparation process of these?" – Kaios

"You can just put this in a cup, then add hot water, stir, and done. You can add milk and sugar depending on your taste. There are illustrations of steps to prepare the coffee on the box if you need it." – Saburo

"I'll certainly try this. Thank you, Mr. Saburo." – Kaios

Suddenly, the door to the room was knocked on, and the clerk outside called out for Director Kaios.

"Mr. Director, I just received the summons for all Foreign Affairs Directors from Miss Remille. The ambassador of Mu will also be there, sir."

"Haa... Well, I thank you for the talk, lady, and gentlemen. But I will have to cut it short. Don't you mind if I take these documents?" – Kaios

"Thank you, Mr. Director, don't worry about a thing. Please take all the documents you need with you. They are here to provide you with information about us. If you need more, then we can get more for you. Oh, and we offer the empire an invitation to visit our country. You need to see it before you believe it, is it not?" – Otto

The Japanese diplomat takes out another set of documents for Kaios.

"Thank you... I will forward the invitation to our superior, and one last question, Parpaldia Empire has conquered and brought to our fold 72 colonies at the moment, with many more soon to join. May I ask how many you have?" – Kaios

"We have no need for a colony, director. So, we have none. It's something that we renounced a long time ago." – Saki Todo

"Oh... then thank you all. Raita, can you please guide them to the door and arrange a tour around the city? Please, enjoy our city." – Kaios

"Yes director." – Raita

The director looks at the sets of documents that were handed to him and the box of instant coffee. Those Japanese... are quite hard to read. A country with such an overwhelming military would just sit around and not conquer anyone. That's just absurd. But then again... it could be because of their bloody history. However, he also suspects that their history could be fake, made up by a superpower for them to tell. A country that has gone into space, where before only god could reach. Such fantastical things are hard to believe. Either way, it's better to have an amicable relationship with them than war, he thinks. He put all the documents and the box of instant coffee into his letter suitcase. It's time he goes to meet the person he dreads the most: Remille.

He looks up in the direction of the sea, where the Japanese fleet is anchored. Suddenly, two aircrafts are seen flying toward the city from the east. He looks hard at it. They sport red roundels that identify them as Japanese. They are traveling at an incredible speed. The crafts circle the city several times to slow down and land on top of one of the Japanese ships with large flat decks before any wyvern knight can be mustered. He, just like other civilians, is wondering what just happened.

First Foreign Affairs Department, Esthirant

Kaios walks through the marvelous corridor of the First Foreign Affairs Department with an escorting soldier. It's decorated with many artworks and sculptures. It's one of the most extravagant buildings anywhere in the Philades continent other than the Royal Palace. Built to show off the wealth of the emperor, and the might of the empire. But Kaios has no time for art though. He must be quick. Knocking on the door, a soldier opens it, letting Kaios in.

"Oh, the fools of foreign affairs ministry is here." – Rius

A voluptuous figure with light blonde hair drapes in a black dress with gold and red decoration and a blue fabric covering her arms. He instinctively bows down.

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