Chapter 39 The bite

Start from the beginning

I make my way over to the stall they were in together, taking a seat next to Robin leaning on the wall. Joining their conversation of crushes, and first loves. "Just saying, Robin you could do so much better than her" I say sincerely. "Exactly, I mean, she's a total dud" Steve says, agreeing with me. "She is not" Robin defends her crush. "Yes, she is she wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit" I say. "She has dreams. And Y/N should you be the one talking? I mean isn't Eddie literally in a band" Robin says in defense. "She can't even hold a tune" I say. "she's practically tone- deaf have you heard her?" Steve adds. Robin starts laughing. "All the time 🎶You see me now tonight🎶" Steve starts to sing. "Shut up" Robin yells at Steve while laughing. "🎶You see me....🎶" I continue to sing, cracking my voice on purpose. "She does not sound like that" Robin defends. "She sound exactly- that's a great impression of her" Steve explains. "You sound like a muppet" Robin says with a small laugh. "She sound like a muppet" Steve compares. "She sounds like a muppet giving birth" I add with a laugh. Steve and I start singing again, getting caught off by Dustin and Erica busting through the door to the bathroom. "Okay, what the hell?" Dustin yells at us. The only response we could give him was bursting out in a fit of laughter.

As the movie ends and people start pilling out. "And... blend" Dustin says as we move out of the bathroom. "Well, shit, that worked" Erica says surprised. "Course it worked. We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come" Dustin explains. "Uh, Dustin?" Steve says nervously. "What?" Dustin asks confused. "Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house" Steve says. "Why?" Dustin asks still trying to get a clear answer. "Well, I might've told them your full name" Steve finally says. "What is wrong with you?" Dustin questions upset. "Dude, I was drugged" Steve says defensively. "So?" Dustin asks angry. "So?" Steve repeats confused. "So, you resist. You though it out. You though it out like a man" Dustin explains. "Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say" Steve says angry. "Guys?" Robin says getting everyone's attention. Seeing up ahead the Russians are check everyone who's making their way out of the mall. "Abort" Dustin says as we try not to be seen. "Abort. Abort" Dustin says as we start speed walking away, which quickly turning in a run. "Come on, let's go, let's go" Steve says as we all take turns sliding down the escalator.

Hiding behind the counter of one of the restaurant in the mall. While the Russian soldiers walk around us, searching. Someones shoe squeaks, we're all breathing heavy, trying to stay as still and quiet as possible. Waiting for something, anything to happen. When suddenly the car alarm starts wailing. Gasps as the car horn starts honking. Then the car is thrown across the room taking out all of the Russians in one swoop. Slowly peaking out from behind the counter. Only to see all of the now unconscious soldiers, and the flipped convertible. Looking up on the balcony above, to see Eleven and everyone else.

Making our way over to meet everyone. "You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!" Dustin says while laughing with excitement as he runs over to hug El. "Lucas?" Erica says confused by seeing her brother. "What are you doing here?" Lucas asks with the same amount of confusion. "Ask them. It's their fault" Erica reply's with wit in her voice. "True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault" Steve says taking blame. "I don't understand what happened to that car" Robin says confused. "El has superpowers" Dustin answers. "Im sorry?" Robin says asking for a clearer answer. "Superpower" Steve repeats, "She threw it with her mind" I add trying to clarifying. "That's El?" Erica asks. "Who's El?" Robin asks still not keeping up. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy asks motioning towards Robin. "I'm Robin. I work with Steve" Robin answers. "She cracked the top secret code" Dustin says. "She's helping us" I add. "Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians" Steve says. "Russians? Wait, what Russians" Jonathan asks confused. "The Russians!" Steve yells again. "Those were Russians?" Max asks surprised. "Some of them" Erica reply's. "What are you talking about?" Lucas questions completely confused. "Didn't you hear our code red?" Dustin asks curious. "Yeah. We couldn't understand what you were saying" Mike answers. "Goddam low battery" Dustin says. "How many times do I have to tell you the low battery?" Steve repeats. "You really need to start carrying extras" I say reminding him. "Well, everything worked out, didn't it?" Dustin yells. "Worked out? We almost died" Erica says in her usual tone. "Yeah, but we didn't, did we" Dustin explains. "It was pretty damn close" Steve says. "Okay, Russians? As in, they're working for the Russian government?" Lucas asks again, still not processing everything. "What are you not comprehending" I ask while rolling my eyes. "Are we not speaking english? We have a full-blown Red Dawn situation" Dustin explains. "So this has nothing to do with the gate?" Max questions. "It has everything to do with the gate" Dustin states.

the conversation continues only for another second before El collapses onto the grown. "El! El!" Mike says as we all run over to her. "What's wrong with her?" Erica asks confused and nervous. "What's wrong?" Mike asks El who's still laying on the ground. "My leg. My leg" She says between gasps of pain. "Her leg, her leg. Okay." Jonathan says while ripping a small strip open in the bottom of her pants. "Get that off" Jonathan says. "Okay" Nancy agrees talking the bandage off of Els bleeding leg. Everyone groans in disgust and sympathy pain at the sight of Elevens leg. We're able to see something moving just below her skin. As she lets out more grunts of pain. "El! El!" Mike yells trying to get her attention. Without a response Mike yells again, "El! El, are you okay? El! El!" Still with no answer until Eleven let's out a gut clenching scream of pain at the top of her lungs.

~ Hi happy 2023 i an so sorry that it has taken me this long to update i thought about it everyday i've just been so busy but i am working on a schedule which i'm hoping to have done by the time i post the next chapter which won't be in 4 months it will be soon thank you all for reading and sticking with me ~

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