Harry glared at the blond, "Forget my father, I'll kill you if you don't come with me. Now grab your broom." 

Theo laughed, "You really threatened to kill him?"

Harry nodded, "And he must've believed me, because we flew all the way there and he didn't complain once." 

Though Harry could remember the feeling of Draco's furious eyes burning holes into his back as they flew under the cover of darkness, a strong notice-me-not charm hanging around them thickly, the wind blowing their hair and seeping through their clothes to thoroughly chill them. 

"Why were you even going?" Theo asked. 

"Well, there was this

fair right down there. Do you see it?"

Harry pointed to a fenced off space below them, large rides and lights blinking making it hard to miss. The sound of voices, laughter, and people screaming on rides echoing all the way up to the two boys hovering above.

Draco looked down sceptically, "I don't know about this." 

"But you went yeah?" Theo asked. 

The creak of the small bed told Harry that Theo had sat up. A change from the position the boy had been laying in for almost the entire time they'd been in the cell. 

"Of course we did," Harry said. "I threatened him again and we flew right down." 

Theo scoffed, "Why did you want to go so badly anyway?" 

Harry shrugged, "Partly to get out of the manor, but mostly just to- to walk around? If that makes sense?"   

He could practically sense Theo's confused frown. 

"Walk around?" 

"I mean, I was always training, in classes or reading," Harry said, "I never just got to walk around outside." 

"And you had to go to a muggle fair to be able to walk around?" 

Harry smirked, "That certainly added to the 

fun Draco, loosen up." 

Draco scowled at him, "I can't loosen anything when I am surrounded by muggle filth." 

Harry laughed, looking at Draco then down at himself in their white shirts and dress pants, earning a few strange glances from muggles in t-shirts and jeans. The lights of the fair were blinding, and the smell of food and the sound of laughter was deliciously overwhelming.

"You sound like you had a great time Harry," a new voice said, interrupting Harry as he spoke. 

He turned, grimacing at the sight of Lily and James on the other side of the bars. He was on his feet in a flash, moving to cover Theo slightly from their sight. 

"Why are you here?" he asked. 

He noticed the small things, such as the large distance between Lily and James, the way Lily glanced at James with anger in her eyes every so often. A disagreement before they arrived? 

"We wanted to see you before the- the trial," Lily said, forcing the word 'trial' out of her mouth like it was poison. 


"Are you both comfortable?" James asked, "No problems with the Aurors?" 

Harry crossed his arms, "None, except for you."

James pursed his lips, stepping closer to the bars, "You can't blame me for the consequences your choices led to Harry," he said. "None of this is my fault-"

"How can you say that?" came Theo's voice, now beside Harry. 

He turned to look at his brother, who was glaring at James viciously. 

"You're the one who chucked us in here. Your own sons-" 

"You are my son," James bellowed suddenly. "My only son is you Theo. This- this thing next to you?" he pointed a harsh, trembling finger at Harry, "It was a mistake to let it anywhere near our family-"

A sharp crack cut James off, halting Harry's movement forward, his hands ready to reach through the bars and choke James Potter to death. All eyes fixed on the direction the sound came from, Lily the first to react, a terrified choked sound coming from the back of her throat. 

"I'd thank you not to refer to my son in such a manner, Mr Potter." 


Tom Riddle standing in the ministry like a beacon of freedom and sanctuary for Harry. He was like a knife, cold and sharp. Not a wrinkle on his suit, not a hair out of place, his red eyes flashing at Harry before fixing on James. 

"You," James whispered, terrified. "I-I-" 

Voldemort waved a hand and the cell door swung open gently. 

"Come Harry," he said, "Quickly now, Bella is getting impatient." 

It seemed to be the mention of Bellatrix that brought Lily out of her stupor. 

"No! He will not be going with you," she said, her voice trembling slightly, "He is my son. You won't take him again. I won't let you." 

Harry walked through the cell door, straight to his father, ignoring her. Voldemort placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing tightly for a second which was the equivalent of a tight hug, before turning to Lily. 

"Silly girl," he sneered, "He has not been your son for fifteen years." He turned to Theo, who stood at the edge of the cell. "And what of this young Potter? Not eager to scurry back to your parents?" 

Quick as a flash, Voldemort dove into Harry's mind, the memories ready and waiting for him. 

The dark magic, the addiction, the bonding between brothers-

Harry inhaled sharply as Voldemort left his mind, humming softly. 

"How interesting," he said slowly, "Theodore Potter, wielding dark magic-"

"You keep his name out of your mouth," James snarled. 

Voldemort only smiled, "I think we'll let young Potter decide where his true loyalties lie." 

Lily sagged, smiling, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Theo glanced at her, then at James. 

"You-you threw me in here," he whispered, "Without talking to me, without a second thought you just left me in jail!" 

"Darling," Lily said, "Theo please-" 

"No," he said, and Harry grinned. "Harry was right. If you can't even see past the magic I use, if you hate your other son that much..." he slowly walked towards Harry and Voldemort, "What's stopping you from hating me too?"

They disappeared with a crack



Okay hear me out- 

Yeah I got nothing. 


Here's another chapter I guess lol

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