Chapter 36- Reading you

Start from the beginning

Believe me there are always thousands of them out there who would kill to be with you.

No matter how you look, how you feel about yourself.

But that shouldn't matter.

I know it does, little Ally.

But it won't matter. What matters is when you are walking towards him, you stand proud and you know that you are not imagining his looks. You know, the affect you have on him.

And even if he wouldn't feel this way... would he be worth it then?

No man can demand your spirit.

"Genius? I like when you call me that." He snaps me out of my thoughts. Out of my conversation with my younger self.

"You forgot the little part?" I reply.

He rubs his thumb over his full lower lip, looking with a little smile to the side. When he lifts his gaze to mine there is a boyish look about him. A little blush is creeping up his neck and tinting his cheeks.

"If you think I am little, then so it should be, don't you think?"

"It doesn't hurt you in the slightest? Doesn't pinch your ego? Then I must be wrong because I thought you insulted me and gave me those dirty looks because you, yourself had a fragile ego and that's why you wanted to destroy mine." I step closer, only a few inches apart. I lean up, proving, him being much taller than me.

"Months ago? I can't believe it's been almost half a year."

"Time flies by if you have something to look forward to every day."

"I wouldn't know. Never had such a person but I have to correct your mistake from before. No it doesn't hurt me because I didn't insult you because of a fragile ego. I insulted you because back then... I was an inconsiderable, insufferable idiot. And I am not saying that I am better now but I realized my mistake. You looked bre-" He stops himself as if something came to his mind. He straightens up, takes his hands behind his back and walks to the door.

"We came of the topic. I just wanted to say that your essay was decent. You should explore more of that talent."

I don't react, I just roll my eyes internally.


"Mhm" He turns around, a hopeful glint in his eyes, a frown lingering.

"You didn't have to gift me those things. I know you have the money but it wasn't necessary."

„It's not about having the money. It's about spending it on the right things." He clears his throat and I can see the instant regret as the words leave his lips.

Last night, you kissed me with those lips. They regret us, so they whisper statements of resentment while comforting you.

"We are gonna talk about last night, Graham. I am sure you don't want a relationship with me and I don't either. But I'm worth more than someone you can discard."

"You are right... you deserve nothing but my respect. And you have it, Ally but as you said... it happened yesterday. When we were both drunk. It's the past. I am attracted to you and obviously you are to me but that was it. You heard what your great big brother said." He flashes me a provoking look, watching my reaction as he mentions Dorian.

The threat of our secret...
Our secrets.

"Alright. I am a big girl, I can handle a no but I also catch your lies. Don't expect me to cry over you. I mean, we are partner's, right?"


"Good then do me a favor and shut up now. We don't want the children to hear mommy and daddy fight, do we?" I mock him in a teasing tone.

"Oh, no . We wouldn't."

He opens the door and on cue we both put on our fake smiles and welcome the kids. Or are they fake? I am not sure as Elias is following after Valeria. As always, with a grumpy look on his face.

„What are we going to do today?" She asks, looking excited but with a bit of uncertainty in her face with every word she says. I nod proudly as I realize she wants to continue.

"We haven't seen each other for so long." She whispers, her voice dry, sounding achy.

"That's true, I am sorry. But from now on we will see each other all the time." I smile at her.

I look up and see Kaden leaning against the door next to Elias, watching our encounter.

"We will play chess. Do you know what that is?"

Ok, that's not what we discussed.

I don't remove my eyes from him but in my peripheral vision I see her shaking her head.

"I will teach you. You will be champions. According to a little birdie, your teacher is often described as gorgeous, talented, and supreme.

And then there is Ally... she is decent too." He looks at me and as he senses my realisation and takes in my annoyed but amused look he releases a chuckle.

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