Chapter 3

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Surprise, surprise! The author isn't dead! Ive been really busy with the sport I play and stuff, so I haven't really gotten around to typing this. I kept rewriting this because of the scene that I originally had. Eh, o well here is your chapter.

The car ride was sorta scary because of what I just went through, but being there with Mr. Ravi- Levi. It was good with him. He never glanced at me, but he strained to keep his eyes on the road. His hands were white on the steering wheel, but he kept it still. Maybe he was upset because of what happened with Petra. I probably would never hear her voice, but I c ould tell she was a nice girl. The way Levi cared for her, the way his eyes sparked when he saw her, and the way he looked at her, I could tell he was in a deep love spell.

Eren, you can't ruin this relationship between them. They are happy. If Petra would just wake up....

"We're here Eren."

Levi's voice cut through the silence like a knife, and he left it there. He was looking at me from across the car, and he soon took his hand and touched my hair. He caressed it for about thirty seconds, then to my face. "Eren...I didn't know your face was so soft. It's like a baby's face." I immediately spoke with out thinking. "Is that a joke? I'm in collage." He looks more into my eyes as he continues stroking my cheek. I have to admit, it helps calm me down.

He draws his had away and unlocks the door outside the car. He stepped out and ran to the my side of the car and opens the door to help me get out. "Levi you really didn't need to do that. I know how to open the door myself." He just nods and walks toward the house. as soon as he opens the door, a male figure jumps out and hugs him. The voice that comes out of the males mouth sound familiar, then i notice that it's Mr. Zoe's voice. "LEVI I AM SO SORRY OF WHAT HAPPENED TO PETRA I LITERALLY CRIED WHEN I FOUND OUT!!" Mr. Zoe hugs Levi tighter, while Levi just stands there with an annoyed expression on his cue little face. 'Wait, cute? Seriously Eren?'

Eventually Mr. Zoe lets go of Levi and he walks into his house, leaving me with him. "Eren? What are you doing here? How do you know my Levi?" A distant voice could be heard in the house, sounding like Levi. "Once again, I'm not yours for one. Two, are you going to come in Eren? Or just stand out there all day?" I step into the large house and my nose begins to sting. Is that lemon I smell? Or just really overused cleaning products? Whatever. Honestly, I don't really care. I start to smell something different, something more familiar to me.

Is that.....


I run over to the kitchen and see Levi putting bacon onto the frying pan and start to move the pan a little bit. My face hurts so much from smiling. I mean, who doesn't love bacon? I walked up next to him and he looked at me weird at first, but then he shrugged and continued to cook. Mr. Zoe walked up behind me and stood there in silence, like he was examining us up close. Then out of no where, he screamed something that I didn't understand. "MY SHIP WILL HAPPEN!!!!" He then ran away into what I guess was the dining area. Man, this place was huge.

"What the hell is he talking about now? I swear every time he sees me he quote quote 'ships' me with someone. Like when I met Petra, the first thing he did was try to get us together. Honestly, it gets annoying." I just stood there nodding my head. " did you and Petra meet in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?" He swishes the pan around a little, then flips the bacon before answering me. "I don't mind at all Eren. When we first met I was at the mall with my friends Erwin and of course Hange, that little ball of science over there, browsing the clothing store. Petra was the store assistant manager at the time, before I offered her to be my assistant for my office job. She quit and joined my little office, and soon we grew an attraction for each other. I asked her out after about six months after she joined my job. I proposed to her the day of the accident. The nurse told me you were a part of it? In the passenger seat?" My face turned pale, for I felt bad for Levi.

I told him about Jean, and how the accident was sort of my fault because I wasn't paying attention to Jean when I forgot he was drunk. I told him about the party, the accident itself, and when I first saw Jean after I woke up. After I told him that it was my fault, his eyes became ridged. He looked at me for a long time before I couldn't take it anymore. I just burst into tears, thinking about how I ruined his life. How I practically killed his soon to be wife, and how I literally effected her family too. All of the things that happened today, was all my fault. Levi came up to me and hugged me. I was taken back by his actions, but I hugged him back, crying my eyes out. I didn't want to let my walls down so fast in front of him, but he seemed like a man I could trust in this kind of situation.

"Brat, listen. It wasn't your fault. It was a mistake. Please don't beat yourself up too much about it." He begins to rub my back to comfort me. "What? I practically KILLED your soon to be wife! You shouldn't be this calm about it! If this happens to me I would kill the basterd!" He shook his head and sighed. "I'm trying to except this just as you are. Plus there is someone else I like more than her." I sighed and let go of his hug. He turns back to the stove, then realization hits him. "Shit! I forgot about the bacon! I burnt them!" I run over to where he was and see that, what a surprise, the back side of the bacon strips were all black. He takes the whole pan off the stove and runs it under the cool tap water in the sink. He takes the bacon and examines it before throwing it away in the trash. It was way too burned to eat. "Sorry Eren, I don't have anything else. Maybe I could set up the guest room and you could sleep here until morning. Is that alright?"

Me? Staying at Levi's house? Seriously?

"Um....s-sure" I stutter. Wait, why would I stutter? I can't like him. I hardly know him how could I like this man. Plus if Petra wakes up she would marry him. And what about Jean? I wouldn't mind dating him. He's nice and crap like that. Levi walks out of the room, and before he steps out I stop him. "I could just sleep on the couch Levi I'll be fine. I have to visit my Jean at the hospital tomorrow anyway." He scoffs and looks at me once more. "No. You are going to be in the guest room if you like it or not, and I could drive you tomorrow to the hospital on my way to work. Sound fair?" I nod my head and follow behind him to my 'room'.

-Time Skip Because I'm Way To Lazy-

I already took a shower, changed into some of Levi's clothes, (they were short but good enough to wear to bed) and gotten under the covers when Levi walked in. He walked over to the alarm clock and set it to some time that I don't know of yet, and sits next to my head to face me. "Night brat. Sweet dreams." He then walks out.


I heard the door open, then close. I cracked my eye open a little, to see the time was only three in the morning. I went to bed about half an hour ago. Who would be in my room at this time? I shifted my gaze to the door. There was Levi walking toward me and standing in front of my face. He takes his hand, careful not to wake me up, and stroked some of my hair out of my face so my forehead is exposed. He kissed my forehead then simply turned to walk out.


Well. There's the third chapter. Sorry it's not full of fluff, I want this to be a semi slow book. I'll try to update more often. Thanks for reading!

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