Chapter 4 (Light Yaoi At End)

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//Song Recommend for Chapter:
This Is Gospel. Written by: Panic! At The Disco.//


I got back to the master bedroom after I put the brat to sleep. I set his alarm clock to five o'clock sharp so he would wake up and have time to get ready so I can drop him off at the hospital to go see his other friend. The one who caused the crash.

I could already tell that Hange left the place. He had a tendency to leave without permission, or even come in for that matter.

I walked into my roo- our room, and hopped into the shower really quick. While I was washing my hair, I really got to thinking about that brat.

The first thing I wanted from him when I saw the boy in the hospital bed, was to see his eyes. When he first opened them, I could tell that I fell into a deep abyss of green mixed with blue and a hint of gold near the pupils. They were perfect circles, and they had the best reflections on them. When I was at the store and I looked up at him to see his eyes once more, I could see my face in them. I could tell I was lost in his beautiful eyes. I next started to yearn for his voice. I wanted to see his lips move and form words with them. When he finally spoke, my world melted into them. When he talked, I could listen to his words all day long I'd he let me. The way he said them was cute too. Soon, I started to take notice on how he walked. He was confident, maybe a little full of himself. I wasn't suprised when I saw that in him. That day when I saw him laying in that hospital bed, I noticed he was well built under that thin dress robe the doctors gave him. I was suprised by this, only because he was 20. Yeah yeah, I looked at his charts. So what? No one was there to look at them. He was young, no denying that. A really cute young one. I was enchanted by everything about him, and soon, I thought I fell for him.

I mean, I probably didn't. I'll talk to Erwin about it later.

I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist to walk into the main bedroom. I make my way over to the closet filled with Petra's and I's clothes. I saw one of her dresses that she sewed once because it had a rip in it, and went over to the white dress. I took it into my hands and smelt it's cherry sent. Petra's favorite perfume....


"Levi! Are you ready to leave?" Petra yelled across the house. "The party starts in 15 minutes and we have to get there early to meet Erwin Mike and Hange!"

I groan at the mentioned names. I just wanted to be with Petra tonight, but then again it is Erwin's party. Him and his damned eyebrows, always ruining my plans. Then there's Hange. Of course he would invite Mike along, but only to use him to sniff drinks so he won't get poisoned. (It happend before, don't ask)

Walking down the steps in a Tuxedo, I gasped when I saw Petra. She has a beautiful white dress on, it only stopped just past her knees, and thin red ribbon around her waist. She had on a red headband in her golden hair and makeup on. Not a lot, just some mascara and a thin line of eyeliner or whatever. She could wear the ugliest dress in the world and make it look like a million bucks.

I love her so much.

"What's wrong Mr. Clean-Freak? Did you run out of Febreze (trademark)?" I chuckled and went to hold her hand. "Now that you reminded me, we did. We will have to go get some later. For now, let's head to this damn party."

When we walked out of the house, the car was already started and ready for me to drive it to Erwin's place.

Whispers ||Levi x Eren||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя