Chapter 51 - 60

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ʚChapter 51

    Elsa has not yet woken up. During this period of time, she relied on Beja to chew the food and then pour it down. She is not in good health and has to take care of her mother. Beja has almost no time to spend on extra things.

    Since Elsa and Beja had no jobs, Tours and Bell had to take on heavier work, to be fair.

    This is also the responsibility that he has to bear as a manager.

    At night, when Tours finally finished his work to find the Rabbit Clan, he found that the Rabbit Clan was having dinner with the Human Clan and the Ancient Cow Clan talking and laughing.


    Now that there are more and more people, preparing food for everyone can't be as simple as before, so Mia specially arranged Mary from the human race and Rita from the rabbit race as cooks.

    Strange to say, regardless of the relationship between the human race and the rabbit race, the relationship between the two cooks is very good. This is also one of the sources of inspiration for Mia's plan to disperse people of all races and live together.

    Fortunately, the human race, the rabbit race, and the ancient cow race are very compatible, and there is no difference in their living habits, otherwise Mia would be really difficult to arrange.

    Now that the Gu Niu Clan has come, according to the principle of fairness, the Gu Niu Clan can also produce a cook.

    The cook is not only responsible for cooking, but also responsible for cooking, so she also has a small right.

    When it was known that the Gu Niu Clan could produce a cook, the Rabbit Clan who came with them were also happy for them, and the Gu Niu Clan was even more embarrassed. After all, they were newcomers and did not do anything for the Garden of Eden. contribute.

    Now such a good position is willing to choose someone from their clan,

    but I am sorry, but they will definitely send this candidate.

    Food is the key to a clan, and the Guniu clan can only lick their faces and choose one person to go up.

    Therefore, when Caesar was subsequently announced as their manager, the voices of opposition within the Guniu Clan did not erupt immediately.

    Leo signaled the rest of the Guniu clan to be quiet, and the goddess was also present, so they absolutely had to give her face.

    "Master God is willing to be the manager of our Ancient Niu Clan. It would be great."

    Unexpectedly, Leo would say this, and Mia felt a little more comfortable. Ze is dissatisfied. She still explained,

    "There is a reason why I arranged this way. Patriarch Leo is still your patriarch, but his body is weak. The position of manager requires strong physical strength. Patriarch Leo may not be able to do it."

    "I also considered choosing one of you as the manager, but you are different from the rabbit clan, you have no experience as captives here, so you are not very familiar with this place, and in order to prepare enough food before the cold season, There is no time for a new manager to familiarize himself with various affairs, so this is why Caesar is your manager."

    Hearing that the rabbit clan was taken as captives, both the ancient cow clan and the new rabbit clan were surprised, but the ancient cow clan The awkwardness of Zu Xin was much less.

    "I am only in charge of arranging your work. As for the affairs of your clan, it is still arranged by Patriarch Leo."

    Caesar also expressed his attitude, and the mentality of the Guniu clan gradually calmed down.

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