Johan knocked the wind out of him, and he fell unconscious on the ground. Soon, other kids also jumped on Johan, but he kicked one of them in the balls and hit another with a roundhouse kick to the jaw. Two more went down, leaving only three.

The remaining three rushed at Johan all at once, but he pushed them away with his Kyokushin karate and then hit one with a Capoeira kick, carving him into the container wall.

The others tried to attack Johan, and one of them threw a punch at him, but Johan caught his fist. He used grappling to hold his hand tight and twisted his arm until it broke completely.

Johan then got hold of the guy's broken hand and slammed him to the ground using Judo, then broke his other arm too.

Only one guy was remaining, but not for long because Johan hit him with an inside crescent kick to the liver without wasting any time.

That was all it took for him to be on his knees, and Johan finished him off with an axe kick.

All the weird kids and grown men were lying on the ground while Johan was standing there without even a single bruise on him and without any remorse on his face.

But before Johan could go somewhere else, the container was surrounded by members of the cult.

Johan acted smart and instead of fighting them, he first closed the container completely so that no one could come in.

Once the container was closed, Johan dialed 112 to contact the police about the whole situation. It was enough time before the members of the cult broke in.

When they broke into the container, Johan didn't fight back this time and they took him to be executed.

However, Johan wasn't tied to the cross because their leader wasn't there yet, so one of them decided to call the leader.

And that was it.

Johan knew exactly what he needed to do now that the leader was on his way. The reason Johan even allowed himself to be caught was so that the leader would show his face to him; otherwise, it would have been a pain in the ass to find him.

"Shall we start the execution?" a member of the cult said. But then everyone heard a voice, "Nah dude."

"What?" Everyone was surprised and looked at Johan, who was now grinning like a madman. He said, "You should say, 'Let's start the massacre!'"

Johan gave a crazy expression as he broke free from the ropes he was tied up with by sheer strength. Johan's hands were free, and everyone around him was standing there in shock. Then one of them yelled, "What are you waiting for?"

"Kill the devil before he grows too big! We must eliminate all evils starting from this devil!"

"Yey! Let's kill him!"

"Pass judgement on him!"

All the members of the crazy cult were ready to attack Johan, but Johan was also ready to beat them all to death. Johan was already cracking his fingers. "So, which one of you wants to die first?" Johan said, and he saw a bunch of people running towards him, but he flipped them all in the air using Hapkido.

Once they all fell on the ground, Johan hit one with an Axe kick, one with a Kyokushin karate punch, one with a kick in the temple, and the last one with a Brazilian kick, and they were all down.

"Don't stop, keep coming at me," Johan said, looking at the members of the cult. They rushed at him, but Johan pushed them all away using Kyokushin karate, and the massacre started.

Meanwhile, on the other side, a member of the cult reached their boss, the Preacher.

"What is it?"

Preacher asked, and the member said, "Boss, the kid you brought with you is being executed."

"He what? That's fucking amazing!" Preacher was literally grinning when he heard that, and he got up from his place. "Take me to him. I want to see that boy die."

"Please sir, follow me."

"That bastard kept me away from that blind bitch for so long. Once he is gone, I will bring that blind bitch here!"

Preacher was in his fantasy world, but his world was going to fall apart very soon because once he reached the execution ground, he saw something truly terrifying for a normal human.

Preacher was seeing Johan Seong sitting on top of a mountain made of unconscious, bloodied, half-dead members of his cult. They were all a bloody mess. Meanwhile, there was Johan, sitting on top of them comfortably without even a bit of blood on him.

Johan looked at the preacher, and he grinned. "You finally came out of your hole, Rat?"

"You fucking monster! You killed them all?"

"Maybe," Johan replied with an innocent face, but his innocent face soon turned into a menacing smile, and he said, "Come to me and be a part of my magnificent creation," referring to the pile of bodies he had under him, as he jumped from the top of the pile at Preacher.

Johan hit the preacher straight in the chest with a kick that broke his ribs and sent him flying, and Johan stood over him and asked, "Tell me something, have you ever killed someone?"

"What? What?"

"Hey, preacher, I know you from a long time. If you say the truth, then I will let you go," Johan said, and the preacher fell right into his trap and admitted to all the crimes he had committed, saying, "Let me go now, Johan."

The preacher still had a stupid grin on his face that annoyed Johan, and he punched him straight in the face with Kyokushin karate.

"Why are you smiling, murderer?" Johan looked enraged, and he hit the preacher with a few more punches, but when Johan was about to land the last hit on him, someone caught his hand, and Johan looked up and saw it was a police officer who had arrived there.

"Calm down, kid. Let officials take care of it," the officer said, and Johan calmed down before spitting on the preacher's face while saying, "Scum!"

Looking at the small mountain that Johan had made with humans, even the police were looking in horror. How can a middle school kid do this?

"Officers, check those people and get them to the hospital. Hurry up!" the main officer said, and when they checked all the people there, some of them had accidentally died after the hard beating Johan gave them.

And that was more than enough reason for Johan to be sent to juvenile prison for "betterment."

Hearing about Johan going to prison, everyone was shocked, but when they learned about the Pungsan, they all felt Johan's actions were justified.

But court doesn't work like that, and that's how Johan's middle school life ended for him.

Since Johan's actions were in self-defense, his murder charge was removed.

However, he was still found guilty of assaulting and causing harm to multiple individuals.

The court deemed his actions to be excessively violent and a danger to society, which led to him being sentenced to juvenile prison for rehabilitation and discipline for the time period of 6 months.

That's it for the chapter

Now here ths first change,

Johan is in jail for 6 months not for two years this time

Johan is currently 16 years old, That means Eli Jang is also 16 years old.

That means that Hostel is already created by Eli Jang but This time Johan wasn't there.

Now i will write Eli Jang arc or You can call it Hostel backstory without Johan.

Then i will write Jake Kim arc until Johan gets out of prison to make you all understand the timeline because it's not as simple as you think it is.

Johan not being with Gun alone makes quite many changes in the timeline.

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