Chapter 3:Met Dong Lee (Doo Lee's brother) (QUESTISM)

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???: So.. Have you found out those guys yet?

Random1#: No, sir... But the thing is we found out that the victim has some friends and we think they are also trying to investigate us.

??? : I should be careful and erase all our evidence, they already went to the place so they might seen those things, tsk so troublesome.. Just be cautious of our important belongings.

Random1#: y-yes sir! We will try our best to get them out of our way.

"...... "

??? : If you sense something is wrong Take. Action. Immediately. You got that?

Random 1#: Yes, sir..

?? ? : you may take your leave..

(Ok lmao)

Random2#: Hah, you must be so nervous having to walk into boss office :D

Random1#: Shut up.. I almost shit my pants, bro...better won't cause anymore trouble , that low rank Seulgi, making trouble for everything, Ezio even got his ass kicked, how are we gonna handle this easily..

Random2#: I'm in the mood of eating Tteok-bokki today.. Nvm, is it too expensive?

Random1#: Just shut up and let's buy street foods.


Gyeoul: Wow, another great day to ask Hobin information again.

Snapper: Gyeoul.. Don't be too much at this time, he's still having a hard time..

Gyeoul: Whatever, we're not doing this because we want to.. These people just make us do more extra work, isn't it enough to just beat the shit out of the ones who beat Hobin?

Snapper: I don't know either! I think they're taking it a bit too far but I don't have the guts to stop them tho..

ul: Daniel-oppa is right, actually.. Didn't you saw the blood stains all over the room? If it was all Hobin's, he would have already died of blood loss.. So Hobin is not the only one who suffers from those things and they might not even have the right mind to take revenge and live off in fear, or even died.

Snapper: Your right.. Let's keep doing our work then!!


Gyeoul: I'm the only one who's doing the works here you fucktards!

Snapper: Jeez! Just stop cursing and do your work!

Daniel: Hobin!! you good today :)

Taehun: .... Why you again..?

Daniel: Oh, well I see, your also here, I'm here to visit Hobin,good to see you!

Taehun: Tsk,I want to tear up that tone.. So annoying

Hobin: Taehun.. Please stop, umm and yea I'm doing good today..

Taehun: Tskk so annoying imma head out.


Hobin: So Hyung, what brings you here?

Daniel: first, is your condition a bit better now?

Hobin: sure, I can walk now but my hands are in the worst conditions, so I still can't use them properly for some time even after getting ORIF...nvm I don't even wanna know bout that.

Daniel: you should rest some more then.. Take good care of yourself!

Hobin: Hyung.. I know what your still doing, please be careful, I have no right to stop you but you should never go in a wrong way, I'm also worried about you.. But I'm really happy your trying to help people, I wish you all the best!

(How to fight x lookism) Daniel Park and Hobin Yu  Where stories live. Discover now