Kiss & Cuddle Lore

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When Golf Ball and Tennis Ball got together, TB started kissing GB on the head. GB was flustered the first time it happened, but brushed it off and pretended not to care. TB seemed to notice to some degree, giggling before moving on. Since then he continued doing it. When he told GB good morning, good night, while greeting her when they were alone, etc. not all the time, but often.

TB and GB like being physically close to each other, they always have. Even before they were together, they'd sit against each other, GB would sit on TB's head (mostly to be taller), and they'd generally just be close to each other when they were in the same setting, which was considerably often. They still do all those things, but now that they're romantically involved with each other, TB likes initiating all kinds of further physical affection. Both they're favorites is cuddling, usually while talking, sometimes while doing their own thing, and also a lot while they're sleeping. This, is how Tennis Ball found out that some objects purr.

Most of the kissing between them is the aforementioned head kisses from TB, but they sometimes kiss on the lips, too. TB usually initiates it, but GB actually initiated their first one. It was not too long after they first started dating, and GB, not being good with feelings, didn't know what sort of affection to show TB in the moment, so she did the first thing she thought of, and awkwardly pressed her lips on his. TB was pleasantly surprised, and reciprocated the kiss. It was so silly and scrunkly

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